Pisenti & Brinker, LLP performed an independent financial audit for SVCE to evaluate the agency’s financial statements and risks. SVCE’s financial performance is strong, and the results of the audit were completely clean.
“We did not propose any adjustments to the financial statements,” said Brett Bradford of Pisenti & Brinker, LLP at SVCE’s February Board of Directors meeting. “That’s fairly unusual in my experience, but that means we didn’t come across any errors that we needed to propose an adjustment for.”
According to SVCE’s accounting policy, an independent firm performs an audit of the agency’s finances each year. Pisenti & Brinker has worked with five Community Choice Energy Agencies, including SVCE, as well as other governmental entities.
“It gives great confidence to the public that we’re doing their business transparently and well,” says Director Rod Sinks, councilmember of the City of Cupertino.
SVCE is proud to have strong accounting practices that help make us a financially stable agency.