
Terms and Conditions of Service

Clean energy and competitive rates.

You get both when you choose Silicon Valley Clean Energy. We partner with PG&E to deliver your electricity and ensure we provide transparent costs. The charges you see on your bill can be simplified into two categories:

Electric Generation: This pays for your source of power and how much electricity you’re using. Rates vary, depending on the type of service you choose: SVCE GreenStart, SVCE GreenPrime or PG&E.

Click here to view all of our residential electricity generation rates, and how our prices compare to PG&E’s generation rates.

Electric Delivery: PG&E still delivers your electricity on existing lines and maintains those lines. PG&E delivery rates are the same for everyone, both SVCE customers and PG&E customers.

PG&E does add additional fees to your bill and those are always included in the cost comparisons below. You’ll find a full explanation of all the items on your bill in Understanding Your Bill.

GreenStart Enrollment

Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) is the default electric generation service provider in the cities of Campbell, Cupertino, Gilroy, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Milpitas, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Mountain View, Saratoga, Sunnyvale and unincorporated County of Santa Clara. Accounts within the SVCE service area are automatically enrolled with GreenStart for clean electricity at competitive rates. Customers may request to opt out at any time.

GreenPrime Upgrade

SVCE customers can choose to upgrade their service by signing up for GreenPrime, for energy from 100% renewable wind and/or solar. For commercial customers, the annual enrollment period will open January 1st and close April 1st.

GreenPrime customers may subsequently choose to return to SVCE GreenStart service at no cost, effective one month from the next meter read date. GreenPrime customers choosing to opt out of SVCE services and return to PG&E bundled service will be subject to the standard opt out terms and conditions. To sign up for GreenPrime, call 1-844-474-7823 or visit SVCleanEnergy.org/Green-Prime.

For a complete list of the resources included in GreenPrime or to view highlights of the conditions of your subscription, see the Power Content Label and Price, Terms & Conditions. PCL & PTC


Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) electric generation rates are managed with the intention of providing clean electricity at competitive rates. Any changes to rates will be adopted at duly noticed public meetings of the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Board. PG&E charges SVCE customers a monthly Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) and Franchise Fee Surcharge. Please contact PG&E for more information about these charges. SVCE has already accounted for these additional charges in calculating rates. View SVCE rates online at www.SVCleanEnergy.org or call (844) 474-7823 for more information. These rates and cost comparisons may change over time. Financial assistance programs like CARE (California Alternate Rates for Energy), FERA (Family Electric Rate Assistance) and Medical Baseline Allowance remain the same with SVCE. If you are enrolled in any of these programs with PG&E, those programs will continue to apply to you as a SVCE customer.


You will receive a single monthly bill from PG&E that includes all electricity related charges, including SVCE electric generation charges. PG&E forwards payments for SVCE generation to SVCE. PG&E will continue to charge for transmission, distribution, public goods programs and other non-generation charges at the same rates it charges customers who do not receive SVCE service.

Opt Out

You may request to opt out of SVCE electric generation service at any time by calling (844) 474-7823 or at www.SVCleanEnergy.org. Please have your PG&E account information on hand to process your request. If you have been enrolled in the SVCE GreenStart program, there is no fee to opt out before your SVCE service starts or within 60 days after your SVCE service starts. After that time, there is a one-time administrative fee ($5 residential and $25 commercial). Please be advised that if you do opt out and return to PG&E, you will not have the option to return to SVCE for a full year and will be subject to PG&E’s terms and conditions of service. Additionally, PG&E requires that SVCE customers use one of the following options for returning to PG&E generation service: Option 1) Return to PG&E generation service at the end of your current billing cycle on PG&E’s transition rate for a six-month period and standard rates thereafter; or Option 2) Return to PG&E generation service, after six months’ notice, on PG&E standard rates. For more information on PG&E’s terms and conditions visit www.pge.com/cca. Accounts will be transferred on the day the electric meter is read and cannot be transferred during the middle of a billing cycle. Opt out requests received at least 5 days prior to a customer’s meter read date will be processed for that meter read date; all other opt out requests will be processed on the subsequent meter read date. Customers who opt out or otherwise stop receiving service from SVCE will be charged for all SVCE electricity used before ending SVCE electric service.

Failure to Pay

Silicon Valley Clean Energy may transfer your account to PG&E upon 14 calendar days’ written notice if you fail to pay your bill. If your service is transferred, you will be required to pay the opt out fees described above.

Customer Privacy Policy

Silicon Valley Clean Energy’s policy on Customer Confidentiality can be found at www.SVCleanEnergy.org/customer-confidentiality or by calling (844) 474-7823.