
Upgrade to GreenPrime

Choose GreenPrime, SVCE’s 100% renewable generation service, and be at the forefront of our community’s commitment to a clean energy future.

GreenPrime is sourced from 100% renewable, carbon-free resources, such as solar and wind in California and on the western grid. The power mix of GreenPrime varies each year. Buying GreenPrime further expands generation from these new and competitive renewable energy sources.

GreenPrime is available at a premium of $0.015 per kilowatt-hour. Customers are invited to indicate their interest in enrollment by emailing info@svcleanenergy.org.

Enrollment for GreenPrime is currently closed to commercial customers for 2024. SVCE staff will contact interested parties beginning December 2024 to confirm enrollments for 2025.

Beginning in 2024, SVCE’s GreenPrime product will no longer be certified under the Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) Green-e® Energy program. Instead, SVCE and its partners will perform an annual independent audit of GreenPrime RECs retirements to ensure the product’s 100% renewable content. GreenPrime customers will continue to receive reports on their GreenPrime electricity via the annual Power Content Label and WREGIS. For more information, please visit svcleanenergy.org/greenprime-updates.

For a complete list of the resources included in GreenPrime or to view highlights of the conditions of your subscription, see the Power Content Label and Price, Terms & Conditions.

2023 Historical PCL 

If you live or have a business outside of the SVCE service area, you can upgrade to 100% renewable energy from our neighboring Bay Area Community Choice Energy agencies: