Compare Your Costs

From this page you can download our cost comparison calculator, an excel spreadsheet, which compares PG&E and SVCE costs based on usage data provided by you. The calculator is most accurate for seeing the typical savings one will experience with SVCE. It will not be able to perfectly recreate your actual bill, due to variations in billing cycles, local utility tax rates, etc.

For a quick analysis of your own bill, download this helpful worksheet to calculate the cost difference of what you pay for electric generation with SVCE.

If you have specific questions about your bill, please contact our Customer Service team at or 1-844-474-7823 (SVCE).

Click the button that corresponds to your customer rate schedule (residential or commercial) to launch* the Excel calculator. 

*When downloading, you may receive a warning about a Macro. That is normal. The macro allows the user to reset the data without manually deleting data fields. The calculator functions just fine without the macro, so enable the macro or not as you see fit. 

Learn more about the charges you see on your energy statement by visiting our Understanding Your Bill page.

More Rate Comparisons:

For a quick comparison, click on the PG&E Joint Rate Mailer that most closely aligns with your rate type:

E-1 Residential

A-1 Small Commercial

A-10 Medium Commercial

E-19 Large Commercial

To view how all our rates compare, click here for residential rates or here for commercial rates.