
Multifamily EV Charging Incentives

Receive up to $100,000 to install EV chargers at your multifamily property

Attract More Tenants to Your Property by Adding EV Chargers

Approximately 50% of the residents in our area live in apartments, and tenants want to buy electric vehicles just as much as single-family homeowners. However, a common issue faced by tenants is that many multifamily properties don’t have EV chargers. SVCE is offering incentives of up to $100,000 for installing Level 1 and Level 2 chargers at multifamily properties plus additional incentives for chargers at affordable housing. We hope to make it easier for multifamily residents to switch to driving electric vehicles.

Incentives Available

Multifamily properties with at least four units and new construction affordable housing are eligible. Property owners, affordable housing developers, and entities authorized to apply on their behalf may apply. Incentives are provided first come, first served, while funds last. Apply today!  

Property Category Property Type Equipment Type1 Incentive Amount Maximum Incentive Application Link
Existing Building Multifamily Dwelling Level 1 or 2 outlet $2,500 Up to $100,000 per project site or 75% of total project costs, whichever is less Apply Here >>
For Multifamily Dwelling
Level 2 EVSE port $5,500
Panel Upgrade Up to $5,000 per site
Pre-wiring $1,500 per pre-wired port/outlet
Up to 10 per site
100% Affordable Multifamily Dwelling2 Level 1 or 2 outlet $2,500 Up to $100,000 per project site or 100% of total project costs, whichever is less Apply Here >>
For Existing Affordable
Multifamily Dwelling
Level 2 EVSE port $5,500
Panel Upgrade Up to $5,000 per site
Pre-wiring $1,500 per pre-wired port/outlet
Up to 10 per site
New Construction Affordable Multifamily Dwelling2 Level 1 or 2 outlet $1,000 100% of total project costs Apply Here >>
For New Construction Affordable
Multifamily Dwelling
Level 2 EVSE port $2,000
1 Please see Equipment Specifications for details.
2 Affordable Housing is defined as residential buildings that consist of units below market rate and whose rents or sales prices are governed by local agencies to be affordable based on area median income (<80% AMI and below). New construction projects with a smaller percentage of affordable units may seek incentives for EV chargers accessible by residents in those units.

How it Works

Step 1: Reserve your incentive before purchase or installation. 
Review the Participant Agreement and complete the online Application prior to purchasing and installing the equipment. SVCE will send you an email confirming your reservation. For existing building projects, SVCE will reserve your incentive for up to 12 months from the date of reservation. New construction funds will be reserved for up to 3 years.

Step 2: Install the EV charging equipment.
Complete installation of your Level 1 or Level 2 chargers and, if applicable, complete your electrical panel upgrade.

Step 3: Submit your Incentive Claim after installation to receive reimbursement.
Once your Incentive Reservation (see Step 1 above) has been approved, you’ll receive an email with a link to submit your Incentive Claim and check your rebate status. Once the installed chargers are inspected by your local jurisdiction, fill out the Incentive Claim form. You will need to provide feedback about your experience via an online survey. You will also need to attach SVCE stickers to each charger. You can submit multiple Incentive Claim forms if you are installing your equipment in phases. Once your claim is approved, you’ll receive your incentive check in the mail.

*Please note:* If you have a current reservation and have not yet received a personalized claim link via email, please complete your claim via this DocuSign form.

Additional Incentives and Support Available

Technical Support Available

Through EV Charging Planning, multifamily property owners can access free technical assistance every step of the way to install EV charging on premises.

PG&E’s Multifamily and Small Business EV Charger Program

PG&E, in partnership with Ecology Action, will install Level 1 and Level 2 EV chargers at multifamily housing units, not-for-profit organizations and small businesses, at no cost for sites located in a priority community. The program includes an education campaign for site residents and employees to increase awareness about the charger installation and other EV benefits and incentives.

person charging car

EVmatch – Smart EV Charging

SVCE, the California Energy Commission (CEC) and EVmatch , a local EV charging software company, are partnering to install reservable EV chargers at multifamily residences. Included in the incentive program:

  • Up to six free smart charging stations
  • Access to $5,000 per charger for installation-related costs
  • Five-year EVmatch charger management software subscription that allows EV owners to reserve publicly available sharing stations

Eligible properties must allow public access to the charging stations during some hours.

This program is now open and available for a limited time. Please reach out to hannah.gustafson@svcleanenergy.org with any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

For more questions, contact us at SVCEprograms@smud.org or call 1-833-243-4235 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Which equipment is eligible?

Level 1 or 2 outlets and level 2 charging ports are eligible. For existing properties, SVCE will also provide an incentive to upgrade an electric panel, if required to install the chargers. To qualify for panel upgrade incentives, applicants must be upsized to a new or expanded capacity of at least 200 amps. Incentives are also available for pre-wiring for future EV charging installations. See full Equipment Specifications.

What costs are eligible for incentives under this program?

Charger equipment, charger installation labor costs, electric panel upgrade costs and infrastructure upgrade costs are eligible. See full Equipment Specifications for more details on eligible expenses. Note that all work and equipment purchases must occur after the date of reservation of funds. Planning and design work are permissible prior to the reservation date.

What properties are eligible for the Affordable Housing incentive?

Affordable Housing is defined as residential buildings that consist of units below market rate and whose rents or sales prices are governed by local agencies to be affordable based on area median income. New construction projects with a portion of affordable units may seek incentives for EV chargers accessible by residents in those units.

What if I completed an EV charger installation before the incentive reservation date?

Only electric vehicle charging equipment and electric panels with the start-of-installation date occurring after the application has been approved by SVCE and rebate funds have been reserved for the planning and design work is permissible prior to signing.

What supporting documents do I need to submit?

To reserve funds for your incentives for existing properties, you will need to submit a quote from an electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) installer and a photo of your existing electric panel if upgrading it. New construction projects will need to submit documentation showing the EVSE plan for the development.

Once the project is completed, to claim your incentive, you will be asked to provide a number of supporting documents, including equipment and contractor invoices showing payment, photos of newly installed equipment, permit signed by an inspector from Authority Having Jurisdiction. You will also be asked to complete a short survey about your experience. The incentive check will be mailed to you shortly after.

How do I submit supporting documents and claim my incentives?

Please see the Claim link that is emailed to you once your Reservation is approved.  You will be able to upload documents.  There is no need for login or creating an account.

Can I submit more than one Claim Form if I am installing equipment in phases?

Yes, you can submit a Claim for a portion of your project and then another Claim after a later phase.

The Reservation Claim URL doesn't work. What should I do?

If the project is in Reservation Open, go to the system information tab and clear out both the reservation token and the reservation claim URL field. This will reset the Token and rebuild the URL.