Research and Analysis
Shared below are research and analysis materials developed by Silicon Valley Clean Energy to provide cities, towns and the public with data, analysis and research on the following topics.
Community Resilience Framework – November 2023
Bill Impacts of Decarbonizing Existing Single Family Homes
Buildings Baseline Study – Silicon Valley Clean Energy – September 2020
Appendices: Building Baseline Study – Silicon Valley Clean Energy – September 2020
SVCE Buildings Baseline Study Webinar Recording – September 10, 2020
Best Practices Guide for Streamlining Electrification Permitting
To further support member agencies, this program assesses current permitting and inspection processes for electric technologies and electric vehicle charging infrastructure and informs streamlining efforts across jurisdictions. Through a review of permit data and interviews with member agency staff, industry stakeholders and local contractors, the study produced a Baseline Assessment that benchmarks current electrification and electric vehicle permitting processes at each municipality and presents potential improvements.
This effort also informed the development of the Best Practices Guide for Streamlining Electrification Permitting (‘the Guide’). This Guide provides support for local jurisdictions to streamline permitting and inspection processes in order to prepare for the expected increase in permit activity as California transitions to all-electric buildings. The Guide also highlights recommendations for third-party entities to support jurisdictions’ electrification efforts.
Electron Innovation Onramp Pilot Documents
- Local Market Design Project Final Summary – September 2021
- Local Market Design Project Summary Slides – September 2021
- ResponDER Business Requirements Document
- ResponDER Local Flexibility Market Design Document
- SVCE IRP Filing
- Presentation at the Distributed Energy Conference: Assessment and Valuation of VPP Resources – October 2020
Note: The work and analysis covered by this report were funded by SVCE through the Innovation Onramp Program. The report is not representative of SVCE’s perspectives and views. SVCE is sharing these findings and documents to help other agencies and organizations learn from the pilot program.
The energy data used in the report’s analysis is from Q4 2020.
Webinar Recording and Slides