SVCE Peak Day Pricing Transition Program

Request for 2018 Savings Analysis and Matching

Peak Day Pricing (PDP) is a PG&E ‘opt out’ Demand Response program for business customers that provides a discount on summer electricity rates in exchange for substantially higher prices during 9-to-15 peak events per year. Events occur between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., typically on the hottest days of the summer. Depending on the amount of energy customers use when events are called, they may or may not earn a net discount for the year.

PG&E does not make this program available to community choice energy agencies, so SVCE customers are no longer eligible to participate in the PDP program. With SVCE, customers receive renewable and clean electricity at lower rates than PG&E year-round. In addition, customers retain access to a wide range of third-party provided demand response programs.

The SVCE Peak Day Pricing Transition Program is designed for engagement with Commercial and Industrial customers who have actively participated in the Peak Day Pricing program in the past. Customers who may be concerned about their level of savings with SVCE compared with potential PDP savings may request Savings Analysis and Matching under SVCE’s Peak Day Pricing Transition Program. Details and a request form are provided below.

Energy markets in California are changing rapidly, and the ability to manage and/or time-shift electric demand should be beneficial as time-of-use tariffs change in the near future. For all customer requests, SVCE will furnish a supplemental analysis of total projected savings with SVCE based on annual usage data, and information on other available demand response programs. We look forward to serving as a resource to customers considering their energy demand management options.


How it Works

Current SVCE customers previously enrolled in PG&E’s PDP program may request Savings Analysis and Matching, to compare potential PDP savings with actual SVCE savings. Savings will be compared for requested customer accounts from May 1, 2018 to October 31, 2018 . Customers enrolled in SVCE for the first time in 2018 will have analysis performed from their start date with SVCE through the end of PG&E’s summer pricing season on October 31, 2018.

Using a customer account’s interval usage for this timeframe, SVCE will calculate the savings associated with SVCE generation versus PG&E generation. SVCE will then calculate the value of applicable PDP discounts and event day surcharges for this same period. If the PDP calculation yields greater savings than the SVCE savings, SVCE will apply a Matching Credit in the amount of the difference to the customer’s account. This bill credit will be applied by SVCE during the billing period ending in January 2019.

Please note that SVCE customers may not receive event day notifications from PG&E, as there are no longer additional charges or savings associated with usage on event days. However, customers may choose to still respond to PG&E-called event days for the purpose of reducing total energy usage. Choosing to do so may also influence the outcome of Savings Analysis and Matching. The deadline for requests for Savings Analysis and Matching is August 31, 2018.


How to Request PDP Savings Analysis and Matching

To request Savings Analysis and Matching for your business, please send an email to containing Contact Person Name, Company Name, Preferred Phone Number, and Best Time to Call. An SVCE account representative will contact you within two business days to confirm the details of your request.