Mark Jacobson

Building the future from the ground up


Year built: 2017
Location: Stanford University, CA – Unincorporated Santa Clara County
Type: 2-story modern
Details: 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3,000 sq. ft.
Developer: Wilkinson Construction
Architect: Bone Structure



Induction cooktop
Boil water in half the time as a gas stove

icon of a battery

Battery storage
Batteries can help capture solar energy for use when it’s dark

icon of an electric car with a battery, plug and car illustration

Electric Vehicles
Installing a charger in your garage makes it easy to charge your EV overnight


Heat pump water heater
Reduce electricity use for heating water by up to 60%


As a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University and a Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment, Mark Jacobson has focused his career on understanding air pollution and global warming in order to develop large-scale, clean, renewable energy solutions.

“I wanted to practice what I preach. So, it had to be all electric, no gas even coming in on the property, and also self-sustaining so that it would power itself 365 days a year.”