Jeff & Debbie Byron’s Home Electrification

Getting carbon out of their footprint

Jeff and Debbie Byron

Jeff and Debbie Byron have called their house in Los Altos home for 35 years. After many discussions of converting to all-electric, they made the switch and transitioned all their gas appliances to electric in 2019. When telling people about their home electrification, many responded “you must be putting solar on the roof.” To some’s surprise, Debbie’s response was “no actually, we have taken care of that [renewable energy supply] with Silicon Valley Clean Energy, getting our GreenPrime energy. This is all about replacing appliances.” While solar is a good home investment, Jeff and Debbie decided upgrading to SVCE’s GreenPrime which provides 100% renewable energy for only a few dollars more a month, was the solution for them, allowing them to focus on electrifying their home.

Jeff and Debbie converted their home to be all-electric because they wanted to get carbon out of their footprint. With experience as a former California State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commissioner, Jeff said, “after helping to set the state policy that by 2020 all new construction would be net zero energy, I really wanted to live and experience it myself.”

In watching many local communities electrify, Jeff believes electrification of the built environment will spread across the state. He considers electrification a beautiful thing because it is what the communities want which he thinks makes it worthwhile. “I hope this is an example for others because, this is really the direction we need to go.”