
Innovation Onramp Active Pilot

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Design for a local market to incentivize grid resiliency

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This pilot will design a prototype of a new local marketplace where SVCE can procure clean energy services from its customers. The pilot will provide a roadmap for how SVCE can implement the marketplace going forward. This marketplace could be a valuable new revenue stream for owners of flexible technologies, such as batteries, and will therefore help to reduce the cost of resiliency for these consumers.

The pilot is being led by Electron, a London-based energy technology firm. Electron’s platform allows utilities and retailers to create new local price signals which reward clean, flexible technologies for the value they provide to the energy system.

Innovation Pilot Reports

Note: The work and analysis covered by this report were funded by SVCE through the Innovation Onramp Program. The report is not representative of SVCE’s perspectives and views. SVCE is sharing these findings and documents to help other agencies and organizations learn from the pilot program.
The energy data used in the report’s analysis is from Q4 2020.