Electric Home Rate
Control your electricity discount with the SVCE Electric Home rate.
An Intentional Electricity Rate
SVCE is taking the Electric Home (E-ELEC) rate to the next level by offering a super discount. Customers that shift electricity use to off-peak hours could see a discount on their electric generation charges.
By increasing the difference between off- and on-peak rates, customers have the opportunity to save when they use this rate intentionally.

Is the SVCE E-ELEC Rate Right For You?
This plan offers a lower rate during off-peak times (12 a.m. – 3 p.m.) but also has a higher rate during on-peak times (4 p.m. – 9 p.m.). Savvy customers on this rate will benefit when they pay close attention to when they use their electricity. Shifting load manually or via smart technology is how you will excel with this rate. See below for examples of ways to save, and view the rate chart to compare your rate options.
Homes with a heat pump (water heater or HVAC) and/or an electric vehicle (EV) qualify for the E-ELEC rate.
How This Rate Will Reward You
When you join the E-ELEC rate, you can:
✔ Save big on your energy bill
✔ Take advantage of your electric technology
✔ Support the state-wide clean energy transition

How To Enroll
1. Log into your PG&E account to manage your rate plan.
2. Select the Electric Home (E-ELEC) rate. You will automatically be upgraded to the SVCE E-ELEC rate with greater potential savings.
3. Your new rate should begin on your next billing cycle, start shifting and saving!
Shift to Save on E-ELEC
Shifting major electricity use to off-peak hours (12 a.m. – 3 p.m.) will result in cheaper electricity rates and an increased discount from SVCE.
- Run large electric appliances like dishwashers, washing machines and dryers in the morning or early afternoon
- If you have air conditioning, run it in the afternoon before 3 p.m., to pre-cool your home
- Program your heat pump water heater to heat water during off-peak hours
- Schedule your EV – checkout the GridShift app to automate your smart charging
- If you have home solar and battery storage, use stored energy during peak hours from 4 to 9 p.m.
Set it and forget it! Smart electric appliances can now be setup to run during specific times of the day, helping maximize your savings. Browse smart electric appliances with the Appliances Assistant.
Frequently Asked Questions
E-ELEC, or “Electric Home”, is a residential electricity rate designed to support home electrification. This rate is available to any qualifying customer provided they own at least one of the following: a heat pump space or water heater; an EV; or a battery energy storage system.
E-ELEC is a time-of-use (TOU) based rate, with different pricing at different times of the day. The cheapest time to use energy is during the Off-Peak period (12 a.m.-3 p.m. daily), followed by the Partial-Peak periods (3-4 p.m. and 9 p.m.-12 a.m. daily). The most expensive time to use energy is the Peak period (4-9 p.m. daily).
In order to provide lower energy rates, E-ELEC includes a monthly fixed charge of $15 per month to offset Transmission and Distribution (T&D) charges on the PG&E portion of your bill.
Open to the first 1,000 SVCE customers enrolled in E-ELEC, SVCE is offering an enhanced E-ELEC rate design to further support intentional home electrification. By slightly increasing Peak electricity charges (4-9 p.m., when grid strain and emissions are highest), we are able to offer deep discounts on Off-Peak electricity (12 a.m.-3 p.m.). The average customer on our the SVCE E-ELEC “Super” pilot rate will realize a 10% discount on their electricity generation charges, however by shifting usage from Peak to the Off-Peak period, they can increase their discount to over 20%!
To view available rate options and enroll in E-ELEC, visit “manage your rate plan” on your PG&E account homepage. By enrolling to the E-ELEC rate through your PG&E account, you will automatically be upgraded to the SVCE E-ELEC rate with greater potential savings.
Both rates share a lot of similarities: both follow the same TOU structure (see “How does E-ELEC work” for more details), both are available to customers with a heat pump space or water heater and/or an EV, and both feature significantly discounted pricing during the Off-Peak period and elevated pricing during the Peak period.
Unlike E-ELEC, the EV-2A rate does not include a monthly fixed charge. However, E-ELEC offers lower Winter Off-Peak energy costs (Oct-May, 12 a.m.-3 p.m.).
Qualifications are the same for both rates, so the choice is yours! The answer really depends on how you use energy, but here are several considerations and recommendations:
i. If you own an EV but use gas for home heating appliances (e.g., space and water heating, cooking, and clothes drying), savings will likely be similar but slightly advantageous on the EV-2A rate.
ii. If you own a heat pump space heater, E-ELEC is likely the best option as it’s designed to help reduce winter heating costs.
Yes, as of July 1, 2023, E-ELEC is open to NEM and NEM2 customers. Several things to note if you’re a solar customer:
i. PG&E’s monthly fixed charges ($15/month) cannot be offset with solar generation.
ii. If enrolling in E-ELEC, your next bill will True-up any NEM balance due. A new 12-month NEM billing cycle will then begin at the start of your new rate cycle.