Be ready to take action this summer
An increase in clean energy resource development means a more resilient grid going into summer 2024. In the statewide Summer Loads and Resources Assessment for 20241, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) forecasts that the grid’s energy supply will exceed projected seasonal demand.
Over 4,500 megawatts of energy capacity (from batteries, wind, and solar) will be added to the grid by the end of June, totaling over 9,000 megawatts expected or online since last year. This year, California achieved 10,000 megawatts of battery storage – a valuable resource for the grid during extreme heat peaks.
The state is making strides towards a clean, reliable grid, but weather can be a wildcard, and we can all do our part to prepare for extreme events or emergencies. Individual actions can be the difference in times of critical grid conditions.
We encourage everyone to stay informed and do their part when conservation is needed by signing up for Flex Alerts, a notification system provided directly by the California grid operator, CAISO. Sign up at FlexAlert.org or download the ISO Today app.
Types of Energy Emergencies
Flex Alert
Flex Alert is a voluntary call for conservation during peak electricity hours of 4 – 9 p.m. These alerts typically occur during extreme heat events and the hours are set due to a high electricity demand from air conditioning during the warmest evening hours when solar energy production fades.
Energy Emergency Alerts (EEA)
Energy Emergency Alerts (EEA) can be classified in three different stages.
- EEA 1 calls for a strong need for conservation to help maintain a stable grid.
- EEA 2 alerts that CAISO is unable to meet expected electricity demand and instructs backup power plants to come online.
- EEA 3 signifies that there will be a potential for power outages or rotating outages have been ordered, if the grid is unable to meet energy requirements.
Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)
Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) is a power outage proactively administered by PG&E to help mitigate fire-threat due to certain weather conditions.
Enhanced Powerline Safety Settings (EPSS)
Enhanced Powerline Safety Settings (EPSS) are advanced safety settings placed by PG&E to automatically turn off powerlines if a hazard occurs. These safety devices have been deployed to reduce risk of electrical line-caused wildfires.
What you can do
(1) Sign up for Flex Alerts and take action when it’s time to conserve energy
(2) Taking action looks like:
- Before a Flex Alert
- If you have air conditioning, set it down to 70 degrees to pre-cool your home
- Use major appliances like your dishwasher, washing machine and dryer
- Charge your EV
- Close window coverings to keep your home cooler
- During a Flex Alert
- Avoid using major appliances
- Set thermostat to 78 degrees, health permitting
- Do not charge your EV (checkout the GridShift app!)
- Turn off unnecessary lights and unused devices like computers or TVs
(3) Sign up for the Power Saver Rewards Program and get paid to reduce your energy use on certain days.
(4) If you rely on power for medical devices, check out the resources available through the Silicon Valley Independent Living Center.