Sponsoring Student Projects

With the Student Sponsorships, Silicon Valley Clean Energy is providing funding to elementary, middle, high school and community college student-led projects that support our communities’ goal of fighting climate change by reducing the use of fossil fuels.

Student Sponsorships Overview

Projects supported by the Student Sponsorships address the SVCE mission to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and expand education and outreach. Projects can range from art installations and student-led events to videos, journalism projects, student competitions, robotics and more. Previous projects included a podcast, art competition, short film, leadership training, climate education for youth, building a prototype electric vehicle and more!

Project Funding:

  • Grant funding can be used for resources materials, supplies, equipment, transportation, technology and other SVCE approved costs
  • Up to $10,000 for project funding
  • Teams must submit all receipts and accounting of money spent from the SVCE funding

We are now accepting applications for the 2025 application cycle. Applications will be open until January 31, 2025. Please email ashlie.pak@svcleanenergy.org for any questions.

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Student Sponsorships: Participation & Program Details

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Elementary, Middle, High School and Community College Students in the SVCE territory

Students attending schools in Campbell, Cupertino, Gilroy, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Milpitas, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Mountain View, Saratoga, Sunnyvale and unincorporated Santa Clara County communities are eligible to apply.

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Students that incorporate SVCE’s mission within their project

Projects must include SVCE’s mission to reduce dependence on fossil fuels by providing carbon free, affordable and reliable electricity and innovative programs for the SVCE community

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Students who include education and outreach within their project

Climate action and awareness go hand in hand. The Student Sponsorships is for projects that incorporate education and outreach to the broader community. Examples of outreach are: attending community events with SVCE, presenting to peers about project, incorporating your community within the project, presenting to local city governments or many more options.

Past Projects

2023-2024 Cohort

Green Ninja

Empowering student climate action through film


Tree-Plenish Project

Distributing native tree saplings to offset approximately 10% of Los Gatos’ carbon emissions.

Dr. Bike

Repairing bikes and promoting sustainable transportation among students

Swap & Share

Building an upcycling app for students to practice sustainable consumption

Utmost Atmost

Organizing conferences, competitions, and presentations to raise student awareness about climate change


Youth Leadership Conference

Hosting a youth conference on green career development, skill workshops and related topics for young women

Lab Rats Club

Engineering solar-power electric bikes to donate to students

Morgan Hill Youth Climate Action Team

Leading professional development for teachers on climate and environmental education


Leading workshops on upcycling art, renewable power, and more for local youth

FUHSD Climate Collective

Facilitated a district-wide showcase of environmental literacy instruction at the Fremont Union High School District’s Earth Day


Sherman Oaks Community Charter School

Exploring solar energy by building a solar-powered school announcement system


Collecting environmental data from the Alviso Community using solar-powered sensors


2022-2023 Cohort


Developing web applications and curriculum to improve algae research

AAUW Youth Leadership Conference for Girls

Teaching youth to take environmental action

Carbon Footprint Competition

Educating youth about their carbon footprints and how to reduce their emissions

Clean Energy Crusaders

Promoting clean energy by providing data-driven research and initiatives to the FUHSD community

FUHSD Climate Action Team

Sustainability outreach and education efforts across five high schools in the Fremont Unified High School District

Project Condor

Improving existing hybrid cars with modern battery technology

Utmost Atmos

Encouraging sustainable transportation by repurposing secondhand bicycles for students

Youth Environmental Power Initiative

Advocating for clean energy and sustainability through STEM and art

2021-2022 Cohort


Teaching students skills for transitioning the world to a sustainable algae bioeconomy


Implementing regenerative agricultural and conservation practices in school gardens

Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action

Connecting Silicon Valley’s youth in community climate action events

Saratoga Supermileage

Upgrading electric vehicle prototype and developing students’ skills in vehicle design, electrical engineering, software engineering, and more

Youth Environmental Power Initiative

Encouraging students to learn about environmental issues through creative expression and community events

2020-2021 Cohort

Climate Youth Ambassadors

Engaging elementary and middle school students about the climate crisis through community presentations and events

Saratoga Supermileage

Exploring clean transportation technologies by designing and building a battery electric vehicle for the Shell Eco-Marathon Competition

Milpitas High School Solar Hinge

Researched development of a novel solar hinge technology which would have allowed solar panels to tilt omnidirectionally to increase captured solar energy.

Gavilan Smart & Sustainable Garden

Utilizing renewable energy in creation of a proof of concept smart, sustainable, and mobile garden equipped with sensors and an associated mobile app to monitor resource consumption and reduce waste.

Milpitas High School Food Waste Energy

Transforming food waste into usable energy through a novel composter generator with enough efficiency to achieve meaningful sustainability.

Los Altos Youth Commission

Raising environmental awareness among local youth and teens through an environmentally themed art competition.

Los Altos High School Green Team

Educating local youth and students about the climate crisis and day-to-day sustainability through a free, month-long program of projects, content, and reflection.

SV Youth Climate Action

Transforming young people into effective climate advocates and leaders through education and policy initiatives

The Climate Courier

Raising awareness and inspiring action regarding the climate crisis by empowering youth voices to communicate and report on climate.


Inspiring teens to take action on climate change and environmental issues through education, outreach, and advocacy


Providing clean energy to houseless people from human-powered bike charging, engaging and educating local communities about the benefits of clean energy.

Binsey Poplar Press

Promoting environmental awareness and the importance of clean energy through an art and literary competition engaging local youth and community.

Milpitas High School Sustainable Home

Addressing climate change through development of a climate-friendly tiny-home that leaves a smaller carbon footprint and efficiently provides for all living necessities.