It’s that time of year – SVCE is paying customers for their excess solar generation! If you have solar installed at your home or business, you can earn credits for the renewable power you generate and offset some or all of the charges you would normally pay for using electricity. SVCE’s Net Energy Metering (NEM) program pays higher rates for surplus electricity than PG&E does. Credit balances over $100 for surplus generation are automatically paid to you in April of each year, up to a maximum of $5,000. This year, 539 of our customers will be receiving a total of $158,869 in solar cash outs.
We spoke with Libby, a rooftop solar customer in our service area who installed 36 panels on her home. She initially installed solar to save money on her energy bills and take advantage of the sunny region. “I’m a big supporter of doing what we can to help the environment,” says Libby. She uses electricity efficiently and at off-peak times, allowing her solar panels to generate more than enough energy to power her home.