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Board of Directors Meeting
February 14, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Monthly Board meeting, agenda and packet available at: https://svcleanenergy.org/board-meetings
Monthly Board meeting, agenda and packet available at: https://svcleanenergy.org/board-meetings
Sourced from wind, solar, hydro and other carbon-free energy sources to meet the total annual demand of SVCE customers
Based on typical residential usage of 491 kWh under the E-TOUC rate schedule at current PG&E rates, and SVCE rates effective July 2024. Actual costs will vary depending on usage, location, rate schedule, and other factors. Estimate provided is an average of seasonal rates. PG&E renewable energy content as reported in the Annual Report to the California Energy Commission Power Source Disclosure Program in June 2023.
Based on typical small commercial usage of 1,851 kWh per month under the B-1 Time of Use rate schedule at current PG&E rates, and SVCE rates effective January 2024. Actual costs will vary depending on usage, location, rate schedule, and other factors. Estimate provided is an average of seasonal rates. PG&E renewable energy content as reported in the Annual Report to the California Energy Commission Power Source Disclosure Program in June 2023.
Based on large commercial monthly usage of 148,625 kWh per month and annual peak demand of 499 kW under the B19S rate schedule at current PG&E rates, and SVCE rates effective January 2023. Actual costs will vary depending on usage, location, rate schedule, and other factors. Estimate provided is an average of seasonal rates. PG&E renewable energy content as reported in the Annual Report to the California Energy Commission Power Source Disclosure Program in June 2022.
根據目前 PG&E 價格以及 2023 年 1 月生效的 SVCE 價格的 E-TOUC 價格表下 491 千瓦小時 (kWh) 的典型民用用電量。實際費用將根據用電量、地點、價格表和其他因素而有所不同。所提供的估計值是季節性費率的平均值。PG&E 可再生能源含量如 2022 年 6 月提交給加州能源委員會電源披露計劃 (Power Source Disclosure Program) 的年度報告中所報告的。
根據目前 PG&E 價格以及 2023 年 1 月生效的 SVCE 價格的 B-1 使用時間價格表下每個月 1,851 千瓦小時 (kWh) 的典型小型商用用電量。實際費用將根據用電量、地點、價格表和其他因素而有所不同。所提供的估計值是季節性費率的平均值。PG&E 可再生能源含量如 2022 年 6 月提交給加州能源委員會電源披露計劃 (Power Source Disclosure Program) 的年度報告中所報告的。
根據目前 PG&E 價格以及 2023 年 1 月生效的 SVCE 價格的 B19S 價格表下每個月 148,625 千瓦小時 (kWh) 的大型商用每月用電量以及 499 千瓦的年度尖峰需求。實際費用將根據用電量、地點、價格表和其他因素而有所不同。所提供的估計值是季節性費率的平均值。PG&E 可再生能源含量如 2022 年 6 月提交給加州能源委員會電源披露計劃 (Power Source Disclosure Program) 的年度報告中所報告的。
The California Public Utilities Commission does not classify large hydroelectric facilities as renewable energy sources, though hydroelectric power is classified as 100% carbon-free.
En función del uso residencial típico de 491 kWh según el esquema de tarifas E-TOUC con las tarifas de PG&E actuales y las tarifas de SVCE con entrada en vigencia en enero de 2023. Los costos actuales variarán según el uso, el lugar, el esquema de tarifas y otros factores. El cálculo proporcionado es un promedio de tarifas estacionales. Contenido de energía renovable de PG&E según se comunica en el Informe Anual al Programa de Divulgación de Fuentes de Energía de la Comisión de Energía de California en junio de 2022.
En función del uso comercial pequeño típico de 1,851 kWh por mes según el esquema de tarifas de Tiempo de Uso B-1 con las tarifas de PG&E actuales y las tarifas de SVCE con entrada en vigencia en enero de 2023. Los costos actuales variarán según el uso, el lugar, el esquema de tarifas y otros factores. El cálculo proporcionado es un promedio de tarifas estacionales. Contenido de energía renovable de PG&E según se comunica en el Informe Anual al Programa de Divulgación de Fuentes de Energía de la Comisión de Energía de California en junio de 2022.
En función del uso mensual comercial grande de 148,625 kWh por mes y la demanda pico anual de 499 kW según el esquema de tarifas B19S con las tarifas de PG&E actuales y las tarifas de SVCE con entrada en vigencia en enero de 2023. Los costos actuales variarán según el uso, el lugar, el esquema de tarifas y otros factores. El cálculo proporcionado es un promedio de tarifas estacionales. Contenido de energía renovable de PG&E según se comunica en el Informe Anual al Programa de Divulgación de Fuentes de Energía de la Comisión de Energía de California en junio de 2022.
La Comisión de Servicios Públicos de California no clasifica las grandes instalaciones hidroeléctricas como fuentes de energía renovable, aunque están clasificadas como 100 % libres de carbono.
Dựa theo mức sử dụng tư gia điển hình là 491 kWh theo biểu giá E-TOUC ở mức giá hiện tại của PG&E, và mức giá của SVCE có hiệu lực từ tháng Giêng, 2023. Chi phí thực sự sẽ thay đổi tùy theo mức sử dụng, địa điểm, biểu giá và những yếu tố khác. Ước tính được cung cấp là trung bình của mức giá theo mùa. Loại năng lượng tái tạo PG&E như cho biết trong Báo Cáo Thường Niên cho Chương Trình Khai Trình Nguồn Điện của Ủy Ban Năng Lượng California (California Energy Commission Power Source Disclosure Program), vào tháng Sáu, 2022.
Dựa theo sử dụng thương mại nhỏ điển hình là 1,851 kWh mỗi tháng theo biểu giá của Thời Hạn Sử Dụng B-1 theo mức giá hiện tại của PG&E, và mức giá của SVCE hiệu lực vào tháng Giêng, 2023. Chi phí thực tế sẽ khác nhau tùy thuộc vào cách sử dụng, địa điểm, biểu giá và các yếu tố khác. Ước tính được cung cấp là trung bình của mức giá theo mùa. Loại năng lượng tái tạo PG&E như cho biết trong Báo Cáo Thường Niên cho Chương Trình Khai Trình Nguồn Điện của Ủy Ban Năng Lượng California (California Energy Commission Power Source Disclosure Program), vào tháng Sáu, 2022.
Dựa theo sử dụng thương mại lớn hàng tháng là 148,625 kWh mỗi tháng và nhu cầu cao điểm hàng năm là 499 kW theo biểu giá B19S theo mức giá hiện tại của PG&E, và mức giá của SVCE có hiệu lực vào tháng Giêng, 2023. Chi phí thực tế sẽ khác nhau tùy thuộc vào cách sử dụng, địa điểm, biểu giá và các yếu tố khác. Ước tính này là trung bình của mức giá theo mùa. Loại năng lượng tái tạo PG&E như cho biết trong Báo Cáo Thường Niên cho Chương Trình Khai Trình Nguồn Điện của Ủy Ban Năng Lượng California (California Energy Commission Power Source Disclosure Program), vào tháng Sáu, 2022.
Ủy ban Tiện ích Công cộng California không phân loại các cơ sở thủy điện lớn làm nguồn năng lượng tái tạo, mặc dù điện thủy điện được phân loại là không có carbon.
來自於風能、太陽能、水力發電和其他可再生能源,能滿足 SVCE 用戶全年的需求。
Con origen en fuentes de energía eólica, solar, hidráulica y otras fuentes de
energía renovable para satisfacer la demanda total anual de clientes de SVCE.
Lấy từ gió, năng lượng mặt trời, nước và những nguồn năng lượng tái tạo khác để đáp ứng nhu cầu hàng năm của các khách hàng SVCE.
Californians are the second-largest consumer of petroleum products. In 2017, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from burning fossil fuels for energy are about 93% of total U.S. human-caused CO2 emissions.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Profile Analysis, January 16, 2020.
Onshore wind and solar are now the cheapest sources of power generation in nearly all major economies in the world.
Bloomberg NEF, April 29, 2020: Solar and onshore wind cheapest sources of energy.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is largely a result of burning fossil fuels, like gas. About 55% of emissions come from gas-powered vehicles and most of the remaining emissions come from burning fossil fuels in homes and commercial buildings.* Electric appliances can help eliminate GHGs in our community.
*Sources: PG&E electricity and gas data; CARB; Metropolitan Transportation Commission; California DMV.
SVCE customers are eligible for PG&E energy efficiency rebates and programs.
Sourced from renewable wind and solar and carbon-free energy resources
陸上風能和太陽能現在幾乎是世界上所有主要經濟體最便宜的發電來源。Bloomberg NEF,2020 年 4 月 29 日:太陽能和陸上風能是最便宜的能源。
加州人是第二大石油產品消費者。2017 年,燃燒化石燃料作為能源產生的二氧化碳 (CO2) 排放量大約佔美國人為造成的二氧化碳排放總量的 93%。
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Profile Analysis, January 16, 2020.
二氧化碳 (CO2) 主要是燃燒化石燃料(如燃氣/瓦斯)的結果。大約 55% 的排放來自汽動車輛,其餘排放的大部分來自在家中和商業建築物燃燒化石燃料。*
*資料出處:PG&E 電力和燃氣數據;CARB;大都會運輸委員會 (Metropolitan Transportation Commission);加州機動車輛管理局 (California DMV)。
Gió gần bờ và năng lượng mặt trời giờ đây là nguồn phát điện rẻ nhất tại gần như tất cả các nền kinh tế chánh trên thế giới. Bloomberg NEF, 29 tháng Tư, 2020: Nguồn năng lượng mặt trời và gió gần bờ rẻ nhất.
Dân California là người tiêu thụ các sản phẩm dầu mỏ đứng thứ hai. Trong 2017, khí thải cacbon dioxit (CO2) từ đốt nhiên liệu hóa thạch chiếm 93% tổng lượng khí thải CO2 do con người gây ra tại Hoa Kỳ.
Thông tin tham khảo: Phân Tích Hồ Sơ, Ủy Ban Thông Tin Năng Lượng Hoa Kỳ, 16 tháng Giêng, 2020.
Cacbon dioxit (CO2) phần lớn là kết quả đốt nhiên liệu hóa thạch, như xăng dầu. Khoảng 55% khí thải đến từ các loại xe xài xăng và phần lớn khí thải còn lại là do đốt nhiện liệu hóa thạch trong nhà và các tòa nhà thương mại.*
*Nguồn tham khảo: Dữ liệu về điện và xăng của PG&E; CARB; Ủy Ban Chuyên Chở Thành Phố; California DMV.
Los californianos son los segundos mayores consumidores de derivados del petróleo. En 2017, las emisiones de dióxido de carbono (CO2) derivadas de la quema de combustibles fósiles para generar energía fueron aproximadamente 93 % del total de las emisiones de CO2 producidas por humanos en los EE. UU.
Fuente: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Profile Analysis, 16 de enero de 2020.
La energía solar y eólica costera son las fuentes de generación de energía más baratas de la actualidad en casi todas las principales economías del mundo. Bloomberg NEF, 29 de abril de 2020: La energía solar y eólica costera son las fuentes más baratas.
El dióxido de carbono (CO2) es en gran parte el resultado de la quema de combustibles fósiles, como la gasolina. Alrededor de 55 % de las emisiones de los automóviles a gasolina y la mayoría de la emisiones restantes vienen de la quema de combustibles fósiles en hogares y edificios comerciales.*
*Fuentes: Datos de PG&E sobre electricidad y gas; CARB; Metropolitan Transportation Commission; California DMV.
Based on medium commercial monthly usage of 22,540 kWh per month under the B10S rate schedule at current PG&E rates, and SVCE rates effective July 2024. Actual costs will vary depending on usage, location, rate schedule, and other factors. Estimate provided is an average of seasonal rates. PG&E renewable energy content as reported in the Annual Report to the California Energy Commission Power Source Disclosure Program in June 2023.
Chief Executive Officer
As the Chief Executive Officer of Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE), Girish Balachandran works with the elected Board to develop and implement strategies empowering the SVCE team and community achieve its ambitious decarbonization goals. He leads the passionate employees of SVCE as they creatively solve challenges to bend the carbon curve downward in the electric supply, built environment and transportation sectors.
Girish has more than 30 years of experience in California utilities, including serving as the General Manager of Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) and Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) and as an Assistant General Manager for the City of Palo Alto Utilities. His professional education includes a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering from UCLA and a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Anna University in India.
Director of Government and Legislative Affairs
Bena Chang is the Director of Government and Legislative Affairs for Silicon Valley Clean Energy, where she works on legislation and coalition building.
Prior to joining Silicon Valley Clean Energy, Bena was the Intergovernmental Relations Director for the City of San Jose, the 10th largest city in the United States. While at the City of San Jose, she engaged on and advocated for a vast variety of municipal policy issues at the regional, state and federal levels ranging from homelessness, pandemic mitigation and response, and clean energy.
Bena was also the Silicon Valley Leadership Group’s Senior Vice President of Transportation, Housing and Health. During her more than a decade at the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, Bena worked on many diverse projects and programs including a successful 2008 Measure B campaign that secured operations funding for BART to Silicon Valley to tours of transit-oriented development in many communities in Silicon Valley. Bena graduated from Wellesley College with a major in English and a minor in Astronomy.
Internal Operations Program Manager
Sanjay works with SVCE staff to develop the annual strategic workplan and internal management systems. He does research on clean power technologies and applications.
Prior to SVCE, Sanjay worked at Intel Corporation for forty years. He was a platform execution lead for IntelR CoreTM processors where he managed a synchronized, coordinated development of new technologies on the platform including processors on the latest silicon technologies. His last project was IntelR CoreTM processor generation 10, which was a launch product on 10nm technology and with integrated USB-C and WiFi-6. He led Intel’s hardware platform for Apple’s innovative first Macbook air. He was a design engineer for the industry-first digital signal processor and the industry-first automotive microcontroller.
Sanjay received an MS in electrical engineering and an MS in Physics from Carnegie-Mellon University and a BS in Physics from Pune University, India.
Senior Executive Assistant and Board Clerk
Andrea supports the SVCE Board of Directors and board committees, keeps SVCE records and supports the CEO. Most recently, Andrea was a senior staff assistant for the City of Sunnyvale, reporting to the environmental programs manager.
Andrea earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communications from San Jose State University.
Chief Financial Officer/Director of Administrative Services
Amrit oversees and leads the finance, information technology and human resources activities of SVCE. Amrit brings two decades of experience in the California Energy Markets with extensive experience in managing risks of complex energy procurement portfolios as well as in energy regulation, rate design, and commodity portfolio management.
Amrit’s prior experiences include serving as Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Senior Director, Market and Credit Risk Management and Senior Director, Revenue Requirements and Rates. Amrit also worked at startup companies and provided strategic consulting in areas of risk management and utility operations. Amrit has an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley, and a BS in Managerial Economics from the University of California, Davis.
Deputy Director of Administrative Services
Kevin Armstrong is the Deputy Director of Administrative Services and supports the Finance, Information Technology and Human Resources activities of SVCE. Kevin is responsible for risk management around supplier and vendor contracts, financial reporting and analysis to the Board of Directors, lenders, and credit agencies, and office administration.
Previously, Kevin held positions focused on sustainability, alternative transportation, green building, and renewable energy project development, with both public and private organizations around the Bay Area. Kevin recently worked for the County of Santa Clara, Vote Solar, the City of San Jose, and the DaimlerChrysler Corporation. Kevin’s early professional career was spent at Accenture, developing enterprise resource planning software.
Kevin earned a BS degree in Civil / Environmental Engineering from Stanford University and dual MS degrees in City & Regional Planning and Transportation Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.
Senior Financial Analyst
Aidas Baublys is the Senior Financial Analyst at SVCE, where he is responsible for providing research, financial data analysis, forecasting, budgeting, treasury reporting, portfolio/counterparty credit risk monitoring and other key financial functions that supports business decision making, strategy and operations across all departments.
Prior to joining SVCE, Aidas was a senior financial analyst at New York Power Authority where he was supporting major top-line FP&A functions, including financial forecasting, budgeting, data auditing and assessment of financial health and operational performance of internal business units.
Previously, Aidas also has held several finance/analytical roles at New York and Connecticut based private equity investment companies, global hospitality company and a leading fixed income research firm.
Aidas holds an MBA in Finance from University of Bridgeport and a BS in Electrical & Engineering Economy from Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania.
Administrative Analyst
Lisa provides administrative support to all staff. Prior to joining SVCE, Lisa worked for the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission.
Lisa holds a B.A. in Design from the University of California, Davis.
Interim Administrative Assistant
Melody assists the Admin and Finance team while another SVCE employee is on leave. Melody has stayed on with SVCE since June 2021 to support various administrative support efforts within SVCE.
Prior to the Interim Administrative Assistant role, Melody began her career with the City of Palo Alto. Melody spent most of her years in their Utilities Department providing Administrative Support. Melody enjoys supporting an agency that provides a vital service to the community – clean energy! She appreciates being part of a kind, fun and dedicated group of employees at SVCE.
Senior Manager of Information Technology & Administrative Services
Nik supports SVCE by performing IT support services for the agency and its departments. He performs a variety of professional and technical level information technology support duties in support of SVCE’S network infrastructure, hardware and software, website and communication systems.
Nik brings over 20 years of IT experience. He has worked for a large Silicon Valley tech company for the past 16 years performing many different roles, most recently as IT manager. Nik earned his bachelor’s degree from San Jose State University.
Director of Energy Services and Community Relations
As Director, Adam leads a team responsible for marketing, communications, electricity services, and customer relations strategic planning and implementation.
Adam brings more than 20 years of energy industry experience, including all aspects of demand-side management services for commercial and industrial (C&I) customers, utility performance, and customer experience improvements. Prior to joining Silicon Valley Clean Energy, Adam led CLEAResult’s Commercial and Industrial practice and held a variety of roles with Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Adam has a Master of Business Administration from University of California Berkeley’s Haas School of Business and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from San Francisco State University. He is alsoa Professional Mechanical Engineer (PE) and Certified Energy Manager (CEM).
Marketing Lead
Raul Hernandez is SVCE’s Marketing Lead. Raul is responsible for creating, implementing, and tracking marketing strategies.
Before joining SVCE, Raul worked as a Public Information Representative with the City of San Jose. He worked with the City’s Environmental Services Department to lead the City’s recycling program marketing efforts. While with the City of San Jose, Raul spent most of his time with San Jose Clean Energy, the CCA that serves San Jose residents and businesses.
Raul has a B.A. in Communications from Santa Clara University and will be receiving his M.S. in Journalism and Mass Communications from San Jose State University in 2022.
Deputy Director of Marketing and Communications
Pamela leads the community relations activities for SVCE. She develops and executes the agency’s strategic communications plan, which is essential to developing and maintaining customer awareness and satisfaction. From media engagement to outreach events, the SVCE community relations team is here to help our customers make informed energy decisions and lower their carbon footprint.
Prior to joining SVCE, Pamela served as Communications Specialist for Prospect Silicon Valley where she was responsible for developing messaging, collateral, managing the website, coordinating events and social media content.
Pamela worked as an account executive for Westbound Communications, a public relations agency conducting community and digital outreach, special events and marketing for the Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement Project. Pamela also served as Director of Communications and Marketing for Orange County Coastkeeper, a clean water non-profit organization. Pamela earned bachelor’s degrees in political science and drama, with a minor in global sustainability from UC Irvine.
Marketing Specialist
Leslie Madarang is SVCE’s Marketing Specialist. Leslie is responsible for eHub marketing and management, email campaigns, social media campaigns, website management, engagement tracking and reporting, and community outreach support.
Before joining SVCE, Leslie worked as a Marketing Specialist with Central Coast Community Energy where she created campaigns and materials to launch new energy programs, managed multiple vendors to support marketing tactics, and produced customer communications. She also worked for Digital NEST, a non-profit technology learning center for Latinx youth, as their web designer and people, projects + leadership coordinator.
Leslie has a B.A. in Environmental Studies with a minor in Social Enterprise and certification in Digital Marketing. She has the drive to positively impact underserved communities’ lives by creating a safer, cleaner and healthier environment for them to strive in. Motivated by her upbringing, she hopes to apply her professional experiences to help her hometown in the Central Valley become an environmentally sustainable community.
Associate Data Scientist
Colleen is passionate about connecting communities to energy insights that help guide policies, encourage action and amplify equitable solutions. As the Associate Data Scientist, she supports the team by advancing strategic and exploratory analysis for data-driven decisions.
Most recently, Colleen received a Master of Environmental Data Science from the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management at UC Santa Barbara. She joined SVCE as a Climate Corps Fellow in 2018 after graduating from UC Santa Barbara with a B.A. in Environmental Science. Colleen led marketing, engagement and outreach initiatives on the Energy Services & Community Relations team prior to her role on the Decarbonization Programs & Policy team.
Programs Lead
Peter works on creating, implementing and evaluating programs that focus on building electrification and decarbonization. Peter has over a decade of experience in sustainability and energy efficiency.
A licensed Mechanical Engineer, he began at Mazzetti in HVAC design of healthcare facilities. His role soon grew to incorporate sustainable design coordination, whole-building energy modeling, greenhouse gas inventories, and LEED project management.
At Commercial Energy, Peter helped strategize and grow the Energy Services division, and provided energy audits and facility improvement planning for a wide variety of clients ranging from hotels, multifamily buildings, and restaurants to large commercial and industrial facilities.
Most recently Peter was with 2050 Partners, a consultant to the California IOUs, where he managed energy storage testing including residential battery systems and portable batteries powering medical devices. He was also the lead support to the IOUs for light-duty EV charging infrastructure analysis and advocacy for the CALGreen statewide building code development.
Energy Services Principal
Peyton supports the commercial and multi-unit dwelling customers. Feel free to contact him with questions, comments or requests for him to meet you at your location.
Peyton comes to Silicon Valley Clean Energy most recently from SolarCity where he served in a range of sales, account management, and technical support roles. He is most proud of having deployed over a megawatt of solar capacity in his time there. A life-long resident of the South County, Peyton attended San Jose State University and earned a B.A. in Philosophy.
Community Outreach Specialist
Juliette is SVCE’s Community Outreach Specialist. In her role, she focuses on building community relationships, promoting the agency through local community events and sponsorships, and supporting our youth engagement initiatives.
Juliette initially joined SVCE as a Climate Corps Fellow. Prior to her fellowship, Juliette worked in community engagement at an urban forestry nonprofit. She also was a Peace Corps Education Volunteer in the Philippines from 2019-2020. Juliette graduated from UC Berkeley with a B.S. in Conservation & Resource Studies and a minor in Creative Writing.
Principal Communications Specialist
Michaela supports SVCE community relations through marketing, messaging and development. She works with all departments to address the needs that will advance the agency’s goals and increase public awareness.
Michaela joined SVCE after graduating from California State University, Fullerton with a B.A. in Public Relations and Public Administration. She brings communications experience from freelance work with Algalita, a non-profit committed to solving the plastic pollution crisis. Additional experience includes her work with Think Together, a non-profit dedicated to changing the odds for kids, and work with local campaign management while in Orange County.
Energy Service Intern
As an Energy Service Intern, Serrena supports the community relations team with community outreach and data and digital organization. She also supports outreach, marketing, and evaluation for the Future Fundamentals Program.
Before her Energy Services Internship role, she worked with the SVCE admin team in 2018. She is currently a double major in Pre-Nursing and Nutritional Sciences (Dietetics) at the University of Nevada, Reno. She is apart of the Pi Beta Phi sorority chapter and is the Vice President of the Student Nutrition Association on campus.
Chief Executive Officer
Monica Padilla is the Chief Executive Officer of Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE), where she works to develop and execute the policies set by the elected Board of Directors to achieve the Community Choice Energy agency’s mission of reducing fossil fuels and reinvesting in the community. Previously, Monica was the Chief Operating Officer and Director of Powers Resources at SVCE where she led the team responsible for planning and procurement.
Since joining SVCE in 2018, Monica and her team helped negotiate and execute more than $3.6 billion in 20 long-term power purchase agreements for clean and renewable projects including solar-plus-storage, geothermal, wind, and long-duration storage resources.
Before joining SVCE, Monica worked for the City of Palo Alto Utilities for over 30 years where she was instrumental in developing and implementing Palo Alto’s Carbon Neutral Plan in 2013, the first carbon-neutral policy adopted for a municipal utility in California.
Senior Manager of Power Resources
Charles Grinstead joined SVCE in September 2021 on the Power Resources Team. Charles has over 10 years of experience serving in energy procurement roles for agencies throughout California.
Charles holds a BS in Finance from Arizona State University.
Deputy Director of Power Resources
Zak is responsible for managing the operation of SVCE’s wholesale portfolio in the CAISO market, overseeing contract implementation, coordination of financial settlement and billing activities, and development of SVCE’s enterprise software systems.
Prior to joining SVCE, Zak worked in public power as an analyst then supervisor in the Power Settlements department of Northern California Power Agency (NCPA) with a focus on settlement and billing in the wholesale CAISO and bilateral markets.
He holds a B.A. in Economics from University of California, Davis.
Power Settlements and Compliance Analyst
Thomas conducts power settlement procedures and compliance filings under direction from the Director of Power Resources. He coordinates database systems, manages invoicing, and supports the procurement of resources.
Thomas graduated from Sonoma State University in the spring of 2017 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Energy Management & Design. Prior to joining SVCE, he worked as an intern in the Power Services Department at Sonoma Clean Power overseeing energy and capacity contracts, settlement details, and compliance filings.
Associate Power Analyst
As an Associate Power Analyst of Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE), Owen Milligan is responsible for the build-out of portfolio models, optimization of power resources, energy trading and integration of new software tools to achieve SVCE’s energy portfolio and risk management goals.
Owen first joined SVCE in 2021 as a summer intern and continued with SVCE as the first power resource apprentice, serving in a similar capacity with modeling work. Owen is a 2022 graduate from Concordia University Irvine, where he completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in Finance and Business Data Analytics and a minor in Communication.
Senior Regulatory Advisor
Citlalli is responsible for developing regulatory strategies to advance SVCE’s energy programs and policy goals.
Citlalli has over 7 years of experience directly shaping energy policy in California and has led the development of both regulatory and legislative strategies on a range of issues including resource planning, cost recovery, and assistance program development.
Citlalli has a B.S. in Earth Systems from Stanford University.
Director of Power Resources
Kris joined SVCE in August 2022 on the Power Resources Team as SVCE’s Wholesale Energy Markets Manager.
Kris has over 20 years of experience serving in energy consulting, energy reporting and energy procurement roles for organizations throughout the Western United States.
Regulatory & Compliance Manager
Demarie leads efforts in the development of compliance processes and supports SVCE with regulatory filings.
Demarie has over nine years of experience in the energy industry serving in various roles of increasing responsibility.
Immediately prior to SVCE, she worked for PG&E’s energy procurement division as a Senior Risk and Compliance Analyst where she helped to streamline and mature compliance programs. Demarie has also worked on regulatory and compliance management for the City and County of San Francisco.
Demarie holds a Master of Public Affairs from USF, BA in Economics with a minor in Politics from UCSC, and Product Management Certificate from Product School, Inc.
Power Resources Manager
As a Power Resources Manager of Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE), Oren Weiner is responsible for assessing SVCE’s overall energy needs, developing and implementing strategies to achieve SVCE’s energy portfolio and risk management goals.
Oren has over 14 years of experience in the energy industry serving in various energy procurement roles of increasing responsibility.
Oren is joining SVCE from the City of Pasadena where he worked on procuring zero carbon resources, Integrated Resource Planning efforts, and various regulatory support activities. Oren holds a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from the University of Central Florida.
Director of Regulatory, Policy and Planning
As the Director of Regulatory, Policy and Planning, Maren works to ensure the resources procured by SVCE meet the organization’s greenhouse gas reduction goals as well as the reliability and policy objectives of the state.
Maren has worked on decarbonization and resource planning efforts for utilities across the US since 2015. Immediately prior to SVCE, she worked for PG&E where she focused on electricity system forecasting, including for the Integrated Resource Plan and SB100 Joint Agency efforts.
She holds a B.A in International Relations from Mills College and an M.A in International Affairs, with a focus on Energy, Resources and the Environment, from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.
Director of Decarbonization and Grid Innovation Programs
Justin works with the team to plan and design a platform and portfolio of programs to achieve SVCE’s mission of deep decarbonization. He leads efforts in developing, deploying and evaluating innovative programs and technologies related to mobility, the built environment and grid integration and innovation.
Prior to SVCE, Justin worked at City of Palo Alto Utilities on demand side management program design, management and evaluation. Justin has a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering from California Polytechnic State University and a master’s degree in civil and environmental engineering from Stanford University.
Program Lead
Jessamyn supports the implementation of SVCE’s building decarbonization programs and is leading the development of the organization’s equity policy.
Jessamyn’s background is in nuclear physics and astrophysics research. She has bachelor’s degrees in physics and astrophysics from UC Berkeley and a Ph.D. in physics from MIT.
Senior Programs Specialist
Jessica works directly with member jurisdictions and community members to advance decarbonization policies and programs.
Jessica holds a B.A. in Geography with a minor in Environmental Science & Policy from California State University, Long Beach. Before joining SVCE, Jessica served as an AmeriCorps CivicSpark Fellow for the City of Woodland, where she assisted with implementing the City’s Climate Action Plan.
Fleet Electrification Fellow
Alhad Dighe is a SEI Climate Corps Fellow working on SVCE’s Fleet Electrification and Decarbonization efforts.
Prior to SVCE, Alhad was a CivicSpark Fellow at the Bay Area Regional Collaborative, working on Climate Adaptation Policy, with a focus on Sea Level Rise Adaptation and Decarbonization. Before that, he worked for a climate tech start up working to bring transparency in global supply chains.
Alhad graduated from the University of California Santa Cruz, with a Major in Environmental studies and Biology, and a minor in Sustainability Studies in 2019.
Deputy Director of Decarbonization and Grid Innovation
Zoe supports all customer segments. She is the key contact for Silicon Valley Transportation Electrification Clearinghouse and the Community Energy Resilience Program.
Zoe has over a decade of experience leading regional decarbonization and resilience initiatives. She served as Sustainability Manager for the County of Santa Clara, as Associate Director of the Los Angeles Regional Collaborative for Climate Action and Sustainability, and co-founded the California Center for Sustainable Communities at UCLA.
Zoe has a Master’s Degree in Urban Planning from UCLA where she focused on regional approached to climate action. She also earned a Leadership in Sustainability certificate from UCLA’s Anderson School of Management.
Senior Manager of Public Sector Services
Anthony works directly with SVCE member jurisdictions and others on advancing decarbonization programs, projects, and policies.
Prior to joining SVCE, Anthony worked for decades at the City of Morgan Hill on a wide variety of environmental programs, administrative issues, and utility services. Anthony graduated from UC Davis with a B.S. degree in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning.
Manager of Decarbonization Programs & Policy
Rebecca supports SVCE’s teams and programs by carrying out analyses, exploring trends and methodologies, and developing data analytics tools and platforms.
Rebecca holds an M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Stanford University and a B.S. in Environmental Engineering from the University of Southern California. Prior to joining SVCE, Rebecca worked as an electric vehicle research fellow at the Natural Resources Defense Council, and as a student project engineer at the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County.
Senior Community Programs Specialist
Hannah supports the implementation of transportation electrification programs for SVCE customers and member communities.
Prior to joining SVCE, Hannah served as a senior researcher at the California Center for Sustainable Communities at UCLA, where she developed data-driven tools for energy and climate planning and research. She brings nearly a decade of experience in applying data to advance energy decarbonization goals, particularly at the local level.
Hannah has both an M.A. in Urban and Regional Planning and a B.A. in Geography/Environmental Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Manager of Community Programs
Nupur works on deploying community programs for transportation and building electrification to drive SVCE’s decarbonization initiatives.
Prior to SVCE, Nupur served for seven years as an Environmental Programs Manager at the City of Sunnyvale, where she led the development and implementation of the City’s Climate Action Playbook, with a focus on energy efficiency and electrification programs. She also worked for nine years on federal policy development and research on climate change impacts in urban areas at The Cadmus Group, Inc., an environmental consulting firm.
Nupur holds a B.S. in Biochemistry from Davidson College and a Master of Public Administration degree from Columbia University.
Households that earn up to 150% of the area’s median income will be eligible for state rebates. While this specific income limit has yet to be determined for Santa Clara County, it is estimated to be around $220,000 for a family of four. If you make more than $220,000, there is no need to wait for the state rebates, as this income exceeds the eligibility range.
California Senate Bill 100 – The 100 Percent Clean Energy Act of 2018, sets a 2045 goal for all electricity in the state to be powered from renewable and carbon-free sources. The Bill also updates the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard to ensure that at least 60% of California’s electricity is from renewable sources by 2030. In addition, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) set an order to build at least 11.5 GW of new, clean resources by 2026 (CPUC D.21- 06-035.)
Director of Strategic Development
Don has worked closely with SVCE since its inception, leading customer engagement activities with SVCE’s major high-tech accounts, customer operations, and development of new marketplace offerings. As Director of Strategic Development, Don is now focused on long-range, cross-cutting SVCE initiatives including 24/7 carbon-free energy services, real-time pricing, and district-based electrification.
Previously, Don served as SVCE’s Director of Energy Services and Community Relations – responsible for customer services, program deployment, marketing, and communications.
Prior to joining SVCE, Don served as Executive Director of Joint Venture Silicon Valley’s Smart Energy Enterprise Development Initiative (SEEDZ), a coalition of leading business, governmental, institutional, and utility stakeholders focused on advancing energy system performance and sustainability in Silicon Valley.
Don’s private sector background includes 22 years with Accenture, where he served as a Managing Partner, instrumental in building and leading the firm’s business systems integration consulting practice in Silicon Valley. He also co-founded and led AltaTerra Research, a market research and consulting firm focused on clean technology solutions for the enterprise marketplace.
Earlier, Don helped launch the Bay Area Climate Collaborative, a region-wide public-private partnership addressing regional sustainability goals. In his hometown of Los Altos, Don served for ten years on the City’s Environmental Commission, including as Chair and Vice-Chair. Don has a Master’s degree in Engineering Management from Stanford University, and Bachelor’s Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of California at Davis.
Communications Consultant
Beth represents the Energy Services and Community Relations team during the development and execution of dynamic pricing rates, systems and processes, which are being planned and coordinated through state agencies and the IOU. Beth’s focus is to ensure that SVCE customers can take advantage of real-time pricing.
Prior to supporting dynamic rate development and implementation, Beth was the Interim Communications Manager, executing the agency’s strategic communications plan; and, served as Project Manager supporting the development and implementation of eHub – a tool to help customers make informed energy decisions and lower their carbon footprint.
Prior to SVCE, Beth was part of the start-up team at Monterey Bay Community Power (now Central Coast Community Energy) focused on programs, ran operations for a renewable start-up, was the executive director for a health services nonprofit, served on two school boards, and worked at Apple, Oracle and GE primarily in product marketing and finance roles.
Data Engineer
Sangeetha supports SVCE’s teams and programs by managing the data warehouse and infrastructure, developing dashboards, and carrying out supporting analyses.
Prior to joining SVCE, Sangeetha received a M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with a focus on building energy and indoor environments from UT Austin. She previously worked in the Indoor Environment Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and as an environmental health analyst at ICF. She has B.S. in Environmental Science and B.A. in Mathematics from UNC Chapel Hill.
Decarbonization Management Analyst
Doug performs analytical and administrative support services for the Decarbonization Programs and Policy team including research, portfolio management, program impact, budget development, and special projects.
Doug started his career in Public Finance Investment Banking at RBC Capital Markets working with municipal utilities and local governments on over 100 transactions. He then joined a 350-employee energy efficiency business in Massachusetts (HomeWorks Energy) as Chief of Staff to the CEO working on new initiatives. During his second year he helped incubate a venture capital backed residential electrification business (Tetra) which has the same investors as Casper and Warby Parker. Doug has a B.S. in Mathematics and a Minor in Economics from Villanova University.
Based on large commercial monthly usage of 148,625 kWh per month and annual peak demand of 499 kW under the B19S rate schedule at current PG&E rates, and SVCE rates effective July 2024. Actual costs will vary depending on usage, location, rate schedule, and other factors. Estimate provided is an average of seasonal rates. PG&E renewable energy content as reported in the Annual Report to the California Energy Commission Power Source Disclosure Program in June 2022.
Our Communities
Campbell | Cupertino | Gilroy | Los Altos | Los Altos Hills | Los Gatos | Milpitas | Monte Sereno | Morgan Hill | Mountain View | Saratoga | Sunnyvale | Unincorporated Santa Clara County
Energy Services Specialist
Kaley supports SVCE’s many stakeholders and programs. She is also focused on helping expand customer engagement.
Kaley comes to SVCE after recently completing a master’s degree in Environmental Science and Management at UCSB’s Bren School where she specialized in Energy and Climate. She brings over six years of non-profit experience, primarily from supporting stakeholders and facilitating collaboration with the Northern Sierra Partnership. Kaley also holds a B.S. in Earth Systems from Stanford University.
Senior Programs Specialist
Leanna supports the implementation of SVCE’s building decarbonization programs.
She brings over 8 years of local government and program management experience. During her time at the City of San Jose and City of Palo Alto, she designed energy efficiency and electrification programs for small businesses and residents.
Leanna has a B.S. in Environmental Science from UCLA and an MBA from Presidio Graduate School.
Senior Quantitative Analyst
Alex Krause joined SVCE on March 13, 2023 as a Senior Quantitative Analyst. He employs quantitative methods to help SVCE manage risk, make financial decisions, and evaluate data.
Prior to joining SVCE, Alex was a senior risk manager/quantitative analyst at a credit hedge fund, where he reduced risk, increased yield, created an analytics platform, and hedged tail scenarios. As a risk manager in Bank of America’s prime brokerage, he evaluated institutional client cross-asset portfolios and developed analytical tools.
Alex received a B.S. in Engineering from Harvey Mudd College. He also obtained an M.S. in Financial Engineering from Baruch College, where he applied quantitative methods to value financial derivatives and forecast prices. In his free time, Alex enjoys spending time in nature, playing with his dog, and enriching his understanding of the world.
Power Resources Planner
Jessica has worked on load forecast, load research, wholesale energy market analysis for utility companies across the US since 2011. Prior to joining SVCE, Jessica worked for PG&E leading evaluation projects on the statewide and company’s demand response programs.
She has a Master of science in Computer Science from the College of William and Mary, and a Master of science in Applied Statistics and Economics from Clemson University.
Programs Lead
Eric leads SVCE’s neighborhood electrification and building decarbonization stakeholder engagement.
Eric has years of experience as a community organizer, public servant, and a policy expert. Recently Eric worked for the City of San José in the City Manager’s Office policy team and more recently, served as Assistant Director for the Building Electrification Institute, where he advised cities across the United States on building electrification strategy.
Eric has a Master of Public Policy degree from the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan, where he focused on technology and emerging mobility policy (including electrification). Eric also holds a graduate certificate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship from the University of Michigan College of Engineering.
Senior Power Analyst
Eric Scheier is the Senior Power Analyst for Silicon Valley Clean Energy, where he focuses on balancing the supply of energy resources to match the hourly energy needs of SVCE’s members.
Eric has a decade of experience in distributed renewable energy development and energy market intelligence, including roles at ENEL Energy & Commodity Management and the U.S. Department of Energy. Eric holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental science and economics and a master’s degree in ecology, both from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Power Data Analyst
Jesse works a range of projects, including data analysis, CAISO market analysis, and administering complex settlements and billing processes, identifying, designing, and implementing process improvements to the data architecture. He also develops analytics dashboards and visualization tools to improve the collaboration among internal and external stakeholders.
Jesse comes to SVCE after spending time at Shell, Constellation, and Energy Data Management Systems, working on a range of energy commodity market activities, including operations, origination, scheduling, and settlements.
He holds an MBA from Yonsei University, and a BA in Quantitative Economics from UCSD, with minors in Behavioral Psychology and Third World Studies.
Manager of Finance & Risk Controls
Karen supports SVCE in the Finance and Admin Department. With a solid decade in the energy sector, Karen excels in managing diverse Power Purchase Agreement portfolios across the US. Her expertise extends from meticulous financial analysis and forecasting to strategic budgeting, cash flow management, and fund optimization.
With a background in engineering and management consulting and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from UCLA, Karen brings a unique blend of analytical prowess and industry insight to SVCE’s Finance and Admin Department.
Energy Services Principal
Joey implements strategic initiatives in support of SVCE’s customers, including energy conservation, demand flexibility, and electrification, with an aim of aligning customer benefits with SVCE operational value.
Joey brings 15 years of experience in demand-side energy programs and sustainability. Prior to joining SVCE, Joey led the development and management of MCE’s nonresidential energy efficiency and load flexibility programs, serving commercial, industrial and agricultural customers. Before his time at MCE, Joey implemented energy efficiency programs for utility and local government partners while at Energy Solutions. He brings additional experience from the carbon certificate market, where he supported carbon neutrality and sustainability goals for a broad range of organizations.
Joey earned a M.S. from the Central European University in Environmental Sciences and Policy, and a B.A. from the University of California, Santa Cruz in Environmental Studies.
Scott | Sunnyvale
1973 Home
• Heat Pump HVAC
Inspiration – Efficiency
“When we saw that the federal government was giving big tax rebates, we knew the time was right to upgrade our central heating system. We were particularly drawn to their efficiency, safety (no carbon monoxide risk and reduced fire risk), and their environmental impact.”
Favorite Feature
“My favorite feature is the ability to control both heating and air with a smart thermostat, which is aware of my electric rate plan (time-of-use).”
Key Advice
“Be sure to get at least three quotes from contractors.”
Stephen | Campbell
1962 Home
• Heat Pump Water Heater
• Electric Vehicle
• EV Charger
• Electric Dryer
Inspiration – Sustainability
“Our experience of going electric has been very smooth. We love driving our EV for so many reasons, not the least of which is that we’re no longer polluting the environment when we use it and spending almost nothing to maintain the vehicle. We also take advantage of charging it overnight when electricity costs are lowest.”
Favorite Feature
“My favorite feature is that I’m using clean, sustainable electricity instead of carbon producing natural gas”
Key Advice
“I would advise them to think more about climate change and how they have an opportunity to make a difference by using solar and wind powered electricity rather than natural gas.”
Judy | Campbell
2009 Home
• Heat Pump Water Heater
• Heat Pump HVAC
• Rooftop Solar
• Electric Vehicle
• EV Charger
Inspiration – Family
“The experience was seamless and I really appreciate being able to set an exact temperature for the water heater as I live with a temperature sensitive young child.”
Favorite Feature
“I enjoy the even heated water.”
Key Advice
“There are a lot more environmentally friendly options out there now, and a lot of rebates that you could qualify for, so be curious and courageous in making the transition!”
Amit | Cupertino
1982 Home
• Heat Pump Water Heater
• Induction Cooking
• Battery Storage
• Electric Vehicle
• EV Charger
• Rooftop Solar
• Electric Dryer
• Electric Lawncare
Inspiration – Technology
“I was blown away by the simplicity and energy efficiency of the heat pump. The rebates from SVCE made this a no brainer. I love the smart app that lets me set the water temperature and check for available hot water before entering the shower!”
Favorite Feature
“Voice controlled electric switches, the integrated Telsa app for car + solar + battery, and induction cooktop are my favorites!”
Key Advice
“Induction is so easy to clean, cooks faster, and does not make the kitchen hot and stuffy in the summers.”
Brede | Sunnyvale
1994 Home
• Heat Pump Water Heater
• Induction Cooking
Inspiration – Health
“My wife and her mom had read a few articles about the indoor emissions associated with gas ranges and were concerned about inhaling toxins, both as a pregnant woman and for our future developing child.”
Favorite Feature
“The really cool thing about the heat pump water heater is the scheduling feature that comes with the Rheem app. We can fine tune when we heat the water and flex the temperature setting throughout the day to take advantage of when it’s most efficient (when it’s hottest outside, 12 – 4 p.m.), cheapest (not 4 – 9 p.m.) and most likely to be needed (evening showers).”
Key Advice
“Many times, it takes a broken water heater or a broken furnace to trigger the appliance research. You’re waiting for it to break, try to tackle as many things as you can ahead of time – like installing new 240V circuits, dealing with condensate pipes – so you’re ready and only have to do the appliance swap when the time comes.”
Kristel | Sunnyvale
1963 Home
• Heat Pump HVAC
• Induction Cooking
• Electric Vehicle
• EV Charger
• Rooftop Solar
• Solar Thermal Water Heater
• Electric Dryer
Inspiration – Safety
“I discovered that the gas fitting was loose under our range and leaking methane directly into the kitchen probably for years!”
Favorite Feature
“I like the independence from gas and the poor air quality of gas cooking.”
Key Advice
“Use incentives, plan ahead, start now, ask others who have done it.”
Alexander | Morgan Hill
2015 Home
• Heat Pump Water Heater
• Heat Pump HVAC
• Induction Cooking
• Electric Vehicles
• EV Chargers
• Rooftop Solar
• Electric Lawncare
Inspiration – Ease
“I did it [HPWH installation] myself for less than $100 in parts and a little more to get it inspected by the city, and a couple days worth of work due to my inexperience. Since installing mine I have helped two neighbors install theirs.”
Favorite Feature
“I like the speed and precision of the induction cooktop and the ability for the new HVAC to keep the house cool during extreme heat and run at low speed to keep costs low.”
Key Advice
“Be mindful when getting quotes from installers as many will want to put in traditional gas water heaters and charge you a lot of money to install. DIY as it’s not complicated especially nowadays.”
Sunshine Gardens | Mountain View
1962 Apartment Complex
• Induction Cooking
• EV Chargers
• Electric Dryers
Inspiration – Attract Tenants
“We are looking forward to having Orange EV Chargers because they work with older multi-family buildings.”
Favorite Feature
“Our solar water heaters and the insulation really helps the quality of life for our residents.”
Key Advice
“If you are looking for a low tech solution to saving energy, both in air conditioning and in heating, using good insulation is key for attics and walls.”
William and Lakshmi | Sunnyvale
1967 Home
• Heat Pump Water Heater
• Heat Pump HVAC
• Induction Cooking
• Electric Vehicle
• Rooftop Solar
Inspiration – Investment
“In addition to upgrading our unit, we also upgraded the other half of our duplex so that our tenants can benefit from lower utility bills and a greener planet.”
Favorite Feature
“We love the induction cooktop! It is a pleasure to cook on, very efficient, significantly more responsive than coil/halogen electric, and much healthier than gas.”
Key Advice
“Just do it! It is better for you wallet, your health, and the planet. There are many great rebates and resources available to you that make it much easier and more affordable – you won’t look back!”
Judy | Los Altos Hills
1966 Home
• Heat Pump Water Heater
• Heat Pump HVAC
• Induction Cooking
• Electric Dryer
• Battery Storage
• Rooftop Solar
• Electric Fireplace
• Smart Thermostat
Inspiration – Next Generation
“We’re a very environmental-conscious couple with young kids who we’d love to raise as earth-loving, environmentally conscious individuals. It’s been a great educational process as we teach our kids.”
Favorite Feature
“We feel like being in the sunshine state of California, installing solar panels is a no-brainer. We love being net-zero! I cook everyday and the induction cooktop is just so fast to heat and so easy to clean.”
Key Advice
“I’d say to do your research early, months before starting the design phase or even approaching an architect to first figure out what you want. Once you know what you want, hop onto federal and state or local government sites to find out about various support programs that are available. SVCE and BayREN were so helpful with many resources including contractor options to choose from.”
Tom | Los Altos
2012 Home
• Heat Pump Water Heater
• Heat Pump HVAC
• Induction Cooking
• Rooftop Solar
Inspiration – Great Contractor
“Via GreenTown Los Altos, I was referred to a company called Emerald ECO who specialize in integrating different elements. They helped figure things out like: How much is our electricity use likely to increase by as we shift from gas to electric? How do we future proof to add an EV over the next year? Should we include a battery and how?”
Favorite Feature
“I get near-daily satisfaction from reminding myself that we’ve taken fossil fuels out of the house entirely and everything’s largely powered from the sun.”
Key Advice
“It’s easier than you might think, once you find the right help.”
Justin | Los Gatos
2020 Home
• Heat Pump Water Heater
• Induction Cooking
• Battery Storage
• Electric Vehicles
• EV Chargers
• Rooftop Solar
Inspiration – Self – Sufficiency
“Given that we were installing solar, it seemed logical to max out our use of ‘free’ electricity. With a battery backup, it would make us much more self-sufficient. So we made the decision early on to go all-electric in our re-build project.”
Favorite Feature
“We love having solar and battery backup, both for the peace of mind and for not feeling ‘guilty’ when using energy.”
Key Advice
“It’s easy! I don’t notice or miss gas at all and I think our indoor air quality is much better.”
Carol | Saratoga
1965 Home
• Heat Pump Water Heater
• Heat Pump HVAC
• Battery Storage
• Electric Vehicle
• EV Charger
• Rooftop Solar
• Electric Dryer
Inspiration — Convenience
“SVCE was offering a good rebate so I upgraded my panel first thing, along with having a heat pump hybrid water heater installed in place of my gas water heater.”
Favorite Feature
“The Tesla batteries hold a lot of electricity and click on very fast whenever my electricity goes out. I can’t even tell when it happens; it’s that fast. But mostly I use the batteries to power my house during peak and part peak hours each day.”
Key Advice
“Just do it. Gas makes your home unhealthy, and it is even worse for the planet.”
Curt | Gilroy
1985 Home
• Heat Pump Water Heater
• Heat Pump HVAC
• Electric Vehicle
Inspiration – Comfort
“The contractor upgraded our heating ducts, and this allowed our heat pump to provide much more even heat across the rooms in the house, while doing all of it for essentially no monthly cost due to the solar panels.”
Favorite Feature
“The new heating and air conditioning system is much more effective at regulating the temperature for the first floor and second floor of the house. It turns out our prior AC system had an undersized air return. The new system is also much quieter than the old system.”
Key Advice
“There are rebates and tax incentives available now, and those may not be there a few years down the road.”
Seema Beauty Salon | Milpitas
1982 Beauty Salon
• Tankless Electric Water Heater
Inspiration – Water Savings
“I urge all Beauty Salons to switch to tankless electric water heaters, especially considering how much water we use in the beauty salon services.”
Favorite Feature
“The water heater is soo compact. It’s 1/20th the size of the bulky stuff we had before and the cost much less to run.”
Key Advice
“Just do it and start saving today!”
Power Resources Manager
As the Power Resource Manager, Britta is responsible for origination of long-term clean energy and storage resources, assisting with short-to-mid-term portfolio management, supporting clean product offerings for all customers, and supporting the development of SVCE’s long-term energy needs.
Prior to joining SVCE, Britta spent ten years at PG&E, in a variety of roles, including long-term clean energy contract origination, renewable energy policy and strategy, and corporate sustainability. Britta holds a Master of Environmental Management from Duke University, and a B.A. from Princeton University.
Based on typical small commercial usage of 1,851 kWh per month under the B-1 Time of Use rate schedule at current PG&E rates, and SVCE rates effective July 2024. Actual costs will vary depending on usage, location, rate schedule, and other factors. Estimate provided is an average of seasonal rates. PG&E renewable energy content as reported in the Annual Report to the California Energy Commission Power Source Disclosure Program in June 2023.
Director of Human Resources
As Director of Human Resources, Gia leads all the people and culture strategies and functions to recruit, retain, engage and develop the best workforce to support SVCE’s programs and operations.
Gia has a breadth and depth of experience in HR across public and private agencies including leading HR, Labor, Procurement and Administration at BART, developing diverse talent pipelines and workforce development programs at PG&E, as well as heading up HR for the County of Ventura’s District Attorney and a Bay Area start up.
Gia is certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources as well as a Strategic HR Business Partner. Gia attended UC Santa Barbara on an academic scholarship and graduated with Highest Honors in three years with a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics, minoring in French. Currently, her bilingualism stops at English and Swahili, after learning Swahili from her Tanzanian-American husband and teaching it to their children at home and through travel to Tanzania.
Senior Regulatory Analyst
Adam performs regulatory advocacy to ensure affordability of rates for SVCE’s customers and develops SVCE’s regulatory and legislative strategies in a variety of matters, including ratemaking, power supply and reliability, and greenhouse gas reduction goals.
Adam is a licensed attorney and, before joining SVCE, litigated federal and California environmental statutes and also counseled on regulatory compliance while at law firms and environmental nonprofits.
Adam holds a B.A. in Public Policy Studies from Duke University, an M.S. in Mathematics Education from City College of New York, and a J.D., with a certificate in Energy and the Environment, from Tulane University.
Climate Corps Fellow
Mia serves as the Electrification Fellow on the Programs team. She supports the design and development of programs that aim to increase awareness of the benefits of transportation electrification and building decarbonization.
Most recently, Mia graduated from the University of Michigan with a B.S. in Information Sciences and a minor in Art & Design.
Programs Marketing Manager
Shawn is responsible for the overall marketing strategy across SVCE’s portfolio of decarbonization and electrification programs.
Prior to joining SVCE, Shawn served as the Director of Marketing and Performance Standards at the California Green Business Network for six years. Shawn started his professional career at Disney Consumer Products where he worked in the Sustainable Business Practices and International Labor Standards groups. Shawn also worked for the City of Santa Cruz, where he led the City’s Green Business Program and assisted with internal energy efficiency projects. Shawn enjoys getting outdoors and visiting farmers’ markets in his free time.
Marketing Specialist
Sunny is responsible for developing marketing and outreach campaigns to promote SVCE’s decarbonization programs and services.
Prior to SVCE, Sunny worked for 4 years in marketing and sales at a tech startup (Handshake) where she helped build many of the company’s foundational marketing programs. A lifelong climate advocate, Sunny graduated from Duke University with a B.A. in Environmental Science & Policy and minor in Computer Science.
Climate Corps Fellow
Juli is the Community Outreach Fellow focusing on education initiatives at SVCE. Previously, she worked as a Special Education Teacher at various public-school districts around the Bay Area. In her free time, Juli enjoys sewing costumes, diving in at her local aquarium, and jogging to the beach!
Associate Power Analyst
As an Associate Power Analyst, Sophia works on the modeling and reporting of SVCE’s portfolio and supports long term origination efforts.
Sophia initially joined SVCE as a Power, Policy, Planning, Procurement, Regulatory and Operations Fellow with the Power Resources team. Prior to her fellowship, Sophia was a Business Analyst Intern at Arthur D. Little and a Product Marketing Intern at Bravado Co.
Sophia graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a B.S. in Environmental Economics & Policy and a minor in Political Economy.
Power Resources Planner
Willy works on optimization and modeling of SVCE’s resource portfolio, CAISO policy and regulatory issues, and strategic projects.
He brings over a decade of energy industry experience that spans hydrogen fuel cells, solar panel manufacturing, and wholesale market development.
Willy is a CFA charterholder, and he holds an MBA from Cornell University and a BS in Electrical Engineering from UCLA.
Communications Specialist
Emily supports agency-wide press and media and communications around SVCE’s community resilience grants.
Prior to SVCE, she worked for a Bay Area-based marketing and communications firm, where she supported and led strategic outreach efforts for Bay Area city and county-wide sustainability programs. Emily also worked for the Livermore Area Recreation and Park District, where she led district-wide restoration and natural resource management initiatives across the District’s Open Spaces.
She also brings over 2 years of non-profit experience, primarily in stakeholder engagement and policy analysis.
Emily graduated from Cornell University with a B.S. in Environment and Sustainability with a concentration in Policy and Governance.
Senior Energy Programs Specialist
Oswaldo supports the implementation of SVCE’s residential building decarbonization and transportation electrification programs.
Oswaldo holds a B.S. in Earth System Science from the University of California, Irvine. He comes to us from 3CE where he led a $7M portfolio of e-mobility customer programs for more than 3 years. He brings broad experience with strategic planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of programs; customer engagement; and data management and reporting.
Climate Corps Fellow
Kaila serves as the Decarbonization Programs Fellow, with her primary focus being on the Small-to-Medium Business Rebate Program. She engages with small businesses and Non-Profits within our community to help them move forward in transitioning their businesses to all-electric appliances and equipment.
Kaila has a Master’s degree in Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies and a Certificate in Geographic Information Systems from California State University of San Bernardino.
Congregation Beth Am | Los Altos Hills
Multi Structure Campus-Type Synagogue
• Heat Pump HVAC
Inspiration – Responsibility
“A fundamental tenet of Reform Judaism is our shared responsibility to protect the earth. Congregation Beth Am, a large reform synagogue in Los Altos Hills, has for many years tried to ‘live our values’ and make our synagogue as sustainable as possible.”
Favorite Feature
“For the first time ever we also have AC.”
Key Advice
“It can be expensive, but there are incentives out there. You have to find them and apply for them. Use the experts through SVCE. They are very helpful and have the expertise to ensure you are getting the right solution for your building.”
General Counsel
As Silicon Valley Clean Energy’s General Counsel, Michael Callahan oversees all legal matters to advance SVCE’s ambitious decarbonization goals. Michael is passionate about enabling equitable solutions to the climate crisis by deploying clean energy and impactful customer programs.
Michael represented Marin Clean Energy, California’s first CCA, for nearly 10 years prior to joining SVCE. In addition to driving statewide leadership on CCA energy policy, Michael got over $200 million in CPUC-funding approved for CCA customer programs, and successfully supported the establishment of several CCA membership organizations that advance the shared goals of CCAs throughout the state. These organizations include the California Community Choice Association (CalCCA), the CCA trade association; California Community Power, a joint procurement entity for CCAs; and the California Community Choice Financing Authority (CCCFA), which issues prepayment bonds on behalf of CCAs. In 2023, CCCFA was the third largest issuer of tax-exempt bonds in the United States.
Michael graduated from the University of California, Davis, with a BS in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning and earned his JD from the University of California, San Francisco, College of Law. Michael enjoys dancing with his daughter, improvisational cooking with his wife, and sculpting.
Energy Trading Planner
As an Energy Trading Planner, Colton is responsible for procurement of short-term energy & attributes to help SVCE meet it’s clean energy goals, and meet compliance requirements in an affordable manner.
Colton has worked on trade floors for utilities in California and Washington. His background has been in short term gas trading, real time power trading and day ahead scheduling. Prior to that he served in the Peace Corps from 2014-2016 in the Republic of Georgia.
Data Engineer
As a Data Engineer at Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE), David Hicks drives the design, implementation, and management of robust data architectures to support SVCE’s clean energy initiatives. David focuses on ensuring data integrity, optimizing data workflows, and enabling data-driven decision-making to enhance operational efficiency and support sustainable energy solutions.
David brings a wealth of experience in data engineering and analysis. At Studio 303, he served as the Director of Technology, successfully identifying growth areas and integrating synthetic datasets into generative models. As the CTO of Holy Grail, David lead a team in developing advanced carbon capture technologies using a data driven research pipeline. His earlier roles at Membrane Technology and Research and the Tallon Research Group honed his skills in project planning, process optimization, and innovative materials design.
David holds a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering from Virginia Tech. Outside of work, he enjoys photography, sports, and hiking, reflecting his passion for creativity and the outdoors.
Director of Risk Management and Analytics
Scott comes to SVCE to serve as Director of Risk Management and Analytics after six years at Ascend Analytics. While with Ascend, Scott led the PowerSIMM team which delivered software models and consulting for risk management, procurement and resource planning to dozens of clients including seven California CCAs (including SVCE). Scott’s expertise is in portfolio risk management and he takes an applied focus to the discipline placing emphasis on actionable reporting and clear communication.
Prior to Ascend, Scott spent seventeen years at the Dayton Power & Light Company and AES Corporation where he led portfolio analytics for utility, retail and merchant generation portfolios. Scott teaches Energy Markets at the University of Dayton where he’s been an adjunct professor for a decade. He earned his MBA from the University of Dayton and holds a bachelors in Global Economics from Cedarville University. Scott chairs a non-profit he helped start in Trinidad & Tobago, a place he has visited many times over the past 30 years.
Wholesale Market Planner
As the Wholesale Market Planner, Simon is the subject matter expert and strategic lead for market opportunities within the CAISO and assesses portfolio risk management, asset, and portfolio optimization.
Prior to joining SVCE, Simon worked as a Utility Specialist in the Scheduling and Settlements team of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. He started his professional career in the energy industry at the German transmission system operator TransnetBW, where he worked in the Renewable Energy Act team.
Simon holds a M.S. in Business Administration and Engineering from RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
Senior Quantitative Analyst
Anand works on implementing quantitative models that help manage SVCE’s portfolio financials and risk. He also leverages these models to support customer analysis, resource planning, and procurement work.
Prior to joining SVCE, Anand worked at Ascend Analytics for over 6 years developing quantitative models focused on power market dynamics and providing analytical solutions to electric utilities, CCAs, renewable & storage developers. Prior to Ascend, Anand interned at National Renewable Energy Laboratory exploring synergies between solar and storage systems and developing a predictive model for rooftop solar adoption in low-income households.
Anand has a M.S. in Energy Economics and Policy from Penn State and B.S. in Chemical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, India.
Climate Corps Fellow
Santosh supports the implementation of SVCE’s transportation electrification programs, specifically to encourage EV and e-bike adoption in the Silicon Valley.
An early-career professional, Santosh graduated from the University of British Columbia and Sciences Po Paris in May 2023 where he worked on various sustainability projects in the nonprofit and local government sectors. He most recently spent the past year in a research fellowship at the University of Alaska Fairbanks in interior Alaska where he worked on supporting transmission solutions for new grid infrastructure projects and measuring environmental risks from climate change in the state. He brings a diverse set of experiences that he gained through the different places he has lived around the country and world.
Climate Corps Fellow
Ashlie serves as SVCE’s Community Outreach Fellow. She focuses on organizing SVCE’s youth engagement initiatives including the annual youth scholarship competition and the Education Fund. Prior to this fellowship, Ashlie worked with Sierra Club as the Marine Sanctuary Intern where she rallied the local community and worked towards the designation of the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary.
Ashlie has a B.S. in Environmental Management & Protection and two minors in Geographic Information Systems and Sustainable Environments from Cal Poly SLO.
Deputy Board Clerk / Administrative Assistant
Nalini supports the SVCE Board of Directors and board committees and assists the Finance and Administration team.
Previously, Nalini served as Deputy Board Clerk for Santa Clara County, Board of Supervisors, where she worked closely with elected officials, Boards and Commissions teams, and local government agencies. She also worked with the County Clerk of the Board’s Office Administrative Division, focusing on vendor contracts management and Human Resources support services.
Nalini holds a Master’s in Public Administration with a concentration in Public Policy and Governance, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from San Jose State University.