No-Cost Home Upgrades

Eligibility for no-cost Full-Service Home Upgrades and Emergency Water Heater Replacement

Qualifications for No-Cost Electrification

The following requirements must be met for owner-occupied residences to qualify for no-cost upgrades:

  1. Property owner must meet the Household Income Eligibility Requirements and be able to provide supporting documentation prior to installation of measures;
  2. Property owner must be the legal owner of the residence. If property owner is an entity, entity must provide proof of the signatory’s ability to bind the entity;
  3. Residence is a single-family home with four or fewer dwelling units and existing gas-fired equipment;
  4. Residence is located in SVCE service area;
  5. Property owner’s investable assets [1] must be less than $500,000;
  6. Residence is property owner’s principal residence and is not a short-term rental. Property owner does not own additional properties;
  7. Residence must be less than 2,000 square feet.

[1] Investable/liquid assets include education/custodial accounts, individually-owned retirement accounts, stocks, options, bonds, mutual funds, managed accounts, hedge funds, structured products, ETFs, cash accounts, annuities, and cash value life insurance.

The following requirements must be met for tenant-occupied residences to qualify for no-cost upgrades:

  1. Residence is a single-family home with four or fewer dwelling units and existing gas-fired equipment;
  2. Residence is located in SVCE service area;
  3. Property is not a short-term rental;
  4. Property owner must be the legal owner of the residence and authorize installation of measures at residence. If property owner is an entity, the entity must provide proof of the signatory’s ability to bind the entity;
  5. Tenant must meet the Household Income Eligibility Requirements and be able to provide supporting documentation prior to installation of measures. Property owner does not need to meet Household Income Eligibility Requirements;
  6. Residence must be less than 2,000 square feet;
  7. Property owner must be an individual owner, public entity, or entity with two or fewer officers. Corporate and institutional owners are excluded.

SVCE determines eligibility at its sole discretion and may request verification of eligibility requirements as needed.

To qualify for the Program, the Property Owner’s or Tenant’s gross annual household income must be at or below 80% of the Area Median Income in Santa Clara County, as listed below. Income guidelines based on the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s 2024 State Income Limits for “Low-Income” households for each County as effective on May 9, 2024.

Santa Clara County Income Guidelines
Household Size Maximum Gross Annual Household Income
1 person Up to $102,300
2 person Up to $116,900
3 person Up to $131,500
4 person Up to $146,100
5 person Up to $157,800
6 person Up to $169,500
7 person Up to $181,200
8 person Up to $192,900

Instructions for counting household size and gross income:

  • The household size is the Tax filer plus all persons expected to be claimed as tax dependents on your federal tax form.
  • For the purposes of the Program, gross income includes both taxable and non-taxable income sources. This includes, but is not limited to the following: Wages, unemployment, workers’ compensation, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, public assistance, veterans’ payments, survivor benefits, pension or retirement income, interest, dividends, rents, royalties, income from estates, trusts, educational assistance, alimony, child support, assistance from outside the household, and other miscellaneous sources.
  • Only count the gross income of the family members included or who will be included in your federal tax form.

Income Eligibility Documentation Verification

Property Owner or Tenant can provide proof of their gross household income via one of two ways. Franklin Energy will review and visually verify documents to confirm household income eligibility. SVCE and Franklin Energy may request additional verification of eligibility requirements as needed.

Customers participating in one or more of the public assistance programs on the Categorical Eligibility List may submit documentation confirming their participation.

Categorical Eligibility List – Provide one of the documents below
Program Type Document Type Max Age of Document
Disadvantaged Communities—Single Family Solar Homes
  • Letter or proof of program enrollment/participation
24 months
Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESA)
  • Letter or proof of program enrollment/participation
24 months
Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP)
  • Letter or proof of program enrollment/participation
24 months
Single Family Affordable Solar Homes (SASH)
  • Letter or proof of program enrollment/participation
24 months
Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
  • Letter or proof of program enrollment/participation
24 months
CalFresh/SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
  • Award letter or Notice of Action letter
  • Screenshot/print screen from issuing agency
  • Screenshot/print screen from website ( showing current participation
12 months
CALWORKS TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
  • Award letter or Notice of Action letter
  • Bank statement with direct deposit source (gross amount) attached
  • Affidavit of income
  • Screenshot/print screen agency
  • Copy of uncashed check
12 months
Tribal TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
  • Award letter or Notice of Action letter
  • Bank statement with direct deposit source (gross amount)
  • Screenshot/print screen from issuing agency
12 months
Tribal Head Start
  • Award letter or Notice of Action letter
12 months
Bureau of Indian Affairs – General Assistance or Financial Assistance and Social Services (FASS) program
  • Award letter or Notice of Action letter
  • Bank statement with direct deposit source (gross amount)
  • Screenshot/print screen from issuing agency
  • Copy of uncashed check
12 months
SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
  • Award letter or Notice of Action letter
  • Bank statement with direct deposit source (gross amount)
  • Screenshot/print screen from issuing agency
  • Copy of uncashed check
  • Caseworker may fax information to Program Representative
12 months
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)
  • Award letter or Notice of Action letter
  •  WIC phone app screenshot/print screen
12 months
LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)
  • Proof of LIHEAP benefit on utility bill
  • Eligibility notice from LIHEAP Service Provider
12 months
Income Sources List – Provide one of the documents below
Income Source Type Document Type Max Age of Document
Tax returns (default) for all people living in the household who are over 18 years or older
  • Federal tax filing (Form 1040) with all schedules including W2s and 1099s
Most recent filing. After May, previous calendar year required (i.e., if it is 2025, returns for 2024 CY).
Other documents only if tax returns not available for all people living in the household who are over 18 years or older
  • Pay stubs
  • Social security (SSA) income award letter/notice of action letter
Most recent 3 months for pay stubs. Within the last 12 months for SSA.


Our team is here to support you in making the transition to clean energy effortless and affordable. Contact us at or (408) 260-5255.